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Good day dear Patreons!

As my first ever Post, I thought I'd welcome everyone with the Lemon I cut out of Naruto and Tsunami. I'll likely never post it on FFNet, AO3, or RR, since my chapters are usually big to begin with and this scene was sooo long ago, it's pointless to post now.

I'd also like to reiterate, this patreon is only for monetary thank yous which is why I won't do anything more than $2 dollars or per update. Money isn't the goal but I understand wanting to support a creator, thus my Patreon :)

It's an attachment. Please let me know if there are any problems opening it.

Thank you all again. I appreciate your support and comments. 

Have a great one,




Hey Grea, that was a great short. It would have fit in fine with the main story.

Grae Foxx

Thanks! You know, I really really wanted to but I don't know, it just felt like it would compromise the story as I moved to other girls he meets. Still, I miss Tsunami. Not only was she hot, she didn't treat Naruto like crap, which was a huge bonus for me.


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