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Service has been quite demanding for the Honeypot lately, Even for the Lovely Elowyn.
Though Sinafay prefers for her Elves to meditate when needing to rest, not every Elf has the discipline and training to enter the trance.
Most Elves prefer to get a proper long rest!

Razlin made a fun wholesome/Honeypot request on discord that caught my eye! I enjoy reading everyone suggestions whenever I can and might randomly pick one!


Thank you everyone that has joined and continues to support my work ^^ All Patrons should of received their High resolution Links, if not feel free to give me a message or head over to the discord Archive channels.

I recently got new glasses and am slowly adjusting to them...  I think, I will best to give frequent updates but ill be avoiding more intense pieces/comics that require a lot of my focus for a bit... until my world feels less distorted, its so hard to see a straight line right now. X_X

hope you enjoy!




Dat widdle wag!


Cuteness overload!

Razlin 1981

So much adorable snuggles.


ya, the little tail wag was adorable. plus Elowyn just looks so content napping like that <3


All the adorableness😍😍😍


Cute! 😭❤❤❤❤❤


Why is that a bad thing lol