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Hey everyone!

With the current month ending, I usually like to do a feedback poll to get the overall vibe on what people are enjoying or would like to see more of and adjust my workflow to it if possible.

With the current active series Ahsoka: Coruscant Night Life I'm planning to shift to a bi-weekly update focus as it's a little more manageable than trying to do it weekly without quality taking a hit. 

I am also worried that some might be a little Starwars/Ahsoka burnt out and I want to promote variety content with on the Patreon to keep engagement fresh and me from burning out! ^^

of course, I never get burnt out from drawing my Red-headed Succy!

let me know your thoughts in the comments and by voting! 



I’m not burnt out from the Ahsoka series at all, I’m sure many aren’t if not most, but when Cherry says he wants to surprise me, I let cherry surprise me😍


I joined up for Honeypot and, while I like other content, Star Wars especially, I'm ready to visit the girls I signed up for.


I want whatever makes you happy. Because if you keep enjoying drawing, then we keep getting your work and everyone wins.


Can I put down a vote for "Anything BUT Star Wars"?

Cheesus Crust

I second this. I love star wars but feels way to long to not have any honey pot stories. Maybe even a few months now?


I mean, Ahsoka content is great, but have you tried the Cherry Surprise™?


I became a Patreon because of your Ahsoka stuff -- just my two cents!


I third this. I don’t begrudge the Star Wars fans their fun but honestly they don’t do it for me at all because I don’t know Ahsoka because I didn’t watch most expanded universe stuff.


Here for as much honeypot as you can make


I feel artwork is mostly best when it is comes from the emotions of the artist. Choose what you like, what you want to do and it will be that much better.


Loving the Ahsoka/Talia series comic!!! Definitely up for more!!!