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Updated August 25,2018:  Hey guys sorry i decided i won't be submitting this design to SharkRobot.

Mainly because it's a copyrighted character, tho most of the content on they're site is that they get away with it by blaming the artist if anything goes wrong and that can lead to a lot of trouble....

I will try to find an alternate and more private method where i have more control of how things are being sold.

sorry =(

What I might do instead is a sexy pin-up of Cherry and submit that to them.

Updated August 23,2018: Good News! I got word back from SharkRobot and they are interested! I'm just looking over some contract details.

I noticed that they have Gift Cards.... sooooo...

I plan to do a SharkRobot GiftCard Raffle so the winners can purchase the 16"x20" poster or whatever. XD 

Ill work out the details and how to enter for this in a future post.

--------- Original Post! ---------

All finished! might do some extra touch ups tomorrow when i have fresh eyes maybe improve on the nose.. let me know if you guys like how it is?

A minor issue towards the print... i worked at a smaller size 3000ish pixels but with some enlarging and sharpening tricks it should be fine for printing which ill be submitting to SharkRobot.

I'm not sure yet but i'm hoping i can Gift people the poster through they're shop if it's accepted so we can have a Free Poster Raffle! =3

I need to browse my folders i'm pretty sure we got enough art for a new HR Pack.


This was a Community/Patreon commission! every month i use the collective support from my 1$-5$patrons towards a piece!

Click here to vote for next month! currently BDSMMAKER is in the lead, if the votes are close my 5$Patrons will do the deciding votes.




I have to say that you did an amazing job on Ahri! She has an absolutely stunning and voluptuous figure! Her hair and fur/tails look fantastic. The bikini and choker is sexy combination, along with having a nice color/metallic shine to it :D Her skin tone, facial features and general color palette look wonderful. Personally I like how it looks so I don't have anything to suggest on changing :) Hopefully you'll be able to gift through SharkRobot's shop as well!


Well worth the wait of getting to see this image of Ahri finished. Wonderful work and I hope this gets approved by SharkRobot to be a poster.


thanks! i submitted and hope to hear from them, if nothing ill try to find an alternate method.


Oh no need to be sorry, it's not your fault! Copyrighted subjects are quite a mess for sure, you definitely don't want to get into that kind of trouble! It's unfortunate but understandable :( You could definitely use Cherry or perhaps have a contest/raffle for one of our OC's? In any case having a non copyright character would be easy to use on their site without any issues :)