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After the shipwreck, Arwen feared she would never see her mother again. Turns out it's a small world after all, and Succy was keeping some secrets... such a bad girl~




I second the comment about Succy calling Arwen her bestie. I’d kinda love a wholesome where the two of them are cooperating on something and getting along. Either with or without ulterior motives on Succy’s part. (I’d also be down with a LESS wholesome image of them doing that but that gets complicated with Arwen) I get the impression that Arwen wouldn’t trust Succy, but what if she had somehow gotten her hands on tickets to some kind of classy event and invited Arwen? I could also absolutely see Sinafay sending the two of them together to advertise at some kind of Royal Gala in honor of the conquering heroes that saved the kingdom just off screen. Then again I also just think that seeing those two all dressed up at a big formal event would be fun.


I love the milf mom and the little demon face ahah succy is priceless almost like she planned this yo XD good to se elf mom again