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Hi everyone,

Hype! This is a public post to announce that our newest game, Super Time Tenshi, is now LIVE for voting on Steam Greenlight!

This will be the first playable platformer in the Time Tenshi series, and we are super stoked!!

Check it out here, and don't forget to leave a vote! - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=883002759

Thanks for your awesome support,

- Silver Cow Studio



Video for your new game is private and isn't working :(


Thanks guys, this has been sorted now so you can check it out! - Silver Cow Studio


Can you please, at the very least, calm our concerns regarding BE content for your new games? Your trailers and screenshots all look terrific but none of the descriptions state anything about BE. At this point, I'm going to assume there is no BE in either new game which is devastating.

shard zerune

please please let there be BE please <3


Looking good so far but missing the BE part too ....


Why wouldn't they include BE content? I'm not surprised they won't respond to people asking about it because it would ruin the excitement!


They've made games in the past with no BE. Isn't it fair to ask for a response regarding the popular fan topic? There's no spoilers involved. It's like asking for a genre of film or music. Silver Cow Studios became really popular with Time Tenshi, and this is a sequel. Time Tenshi 2 had more BE than the first game, but they notified us of it beforehand. This is very unlike them to intentionally remain silent on both new announcements. The only logical conclusion is that there's minimal to no BE involved because they'd lose marketing if they'd said so. I hate being a pester to SilverCowStudios but their silence at this point makes me feel like they're purposefully giving us false hope so that we'll buy the game for the wrong reasons. I remain a patreon with this indie company because I have faith in them becoming something even more spectacular! My insistent commenting is just my passion showing through ;)


Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, but is this Time Tenshi 3 or its own thing?

John Ellis

I think this is the Time Tenshi 3 that they were talking about, a new character that was revealed here not too long ago was stated to make her debut in Time Tenshi 3 (title when her character was revealed, anyways)


Well there's some BE implied just by looking at the last picture in which Rose is very smaller than in the other pictures, let's just hope it's not off-screen.


I do love me some visual BE. :)