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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

Time to bring you guys the latest news from Silver Cow, in today's Patron Update!

It's been pretty exciting lately with the launch of BUSTED! on Steam, and from what we're hearing people are having a great time dodging Dad and uncensoring those girls! The game has some steep difficulty, but as you learn Dad's patterns and master his movements you'll find it's really rewarding when you do unlock each new image. (Plus, there's more than a few secrets for persistent players to discover!*)

We can reveal here on Patreon that we're planning an update with some new content for BUSTED! later this month, as well as an update tomorrow in the form of Mac support! Hype!

Meanwhile on the Time Tenshi 2 side of things, we've been working on adding the extra choices into the game and things are going well! We're really looking forward to adding this big extra layer of choice into the story, and we also have something special planned for the launch of the DLC on Steam (more on that later).

Right now our Twitter poll shows that people are looking forward to Kyo's route the most, but which route will you choose first? Go ahead and leave a vote on our Twitter, over at: https://twitter.com/SilverCowStudio/status/788087657867993089

We really like how the DLC is shaping up so far and there's definitely some funny as well as intimate moments. As a bonus, if you've played the first game you might recognise the music that appears in some of the routes, too.  We hope you enjoy playing through all the new scenarios, and remember that our Patrons at the $15.00 level or above (with at least 1 cleared pledge) will get the DLC for free!

And before you think we've forgotten our visual novel about girls aboard a battleship... well, we haven't! We've been working away on the coding for this game too, and we can reveal right here that the currently planned name is Battleship Bishojo (that means Battleship Girls)! We received the game's logo from our artist recently and it's looking great, with a nice naval theme and a good-looking font. You'll be able to get a peek at that here on our Patreon soon!

Our other project in the works is moving forward nicely too, but this one's pretty secret right now. What we can say is that we have heard from our artists on this game, and it's looking excellent so far! We're really excited to check out the first build of what we've got planned, and we can't wait to see your reactions too!

We hope you enjoyed this latest update, and stay tuned for plenty more soon!

Thanks as always for your support guys,

- Silver Cow Studio

*P.S. Have you visited the Help screen in BUSTED! yet? There might be a little Easter egg to find somewhere on Collect-tan...



Wait, 1 cleared pledge over 15 right? Cos on pledge of 10 you shouldnt get the dlc for free right? :o


Viktor - yes, you're right! Sorry for the confusion there, we've updated the original post - Silver Cow Studio