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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

It's time for a preview of a scene which will feature in the upcoming DLC for Time Tenshi 2! Like the title says, it's "ripped" Tessa - but not THAT kind of ripped :P
You can check it out in the attached!

The tomboy has taken some damage to her Time Suit in this scene as you'll discover in the story, so she's looking a bit roughed up and her frilly bra is revealed. But we're sure she'll pull through this predicament, because she's made of some tough stuff!

We hope you enjoyed this preview, come back soon for more!

Thanks as always for your support,

- Silver Cow Studio




Omg, the teases are insane with you guys 😂

shard zerune

all i have to say never call her cute that means you too Bunni


wait i thought rips in there time suit would instantly send them back to there native time?