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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

It's time for a new Silver Cow Patron Update! Things are moving fast here (like always) so we have plenty of things we'd like to bring you guys up to speed on!

Firstly, those of you who enjoyed Time Tenshi 2 will be glad to hear that we've now received nearly all of the completed CGs for the game's DLC - only 2 left to go! They'll appear in some pretty exciting scenes featuring the four girls.
As a teaser, one of the options in a certain route (we're not telling which one!) sees Kenji going off on a solo mission into the past to retrieve chronal crystals for Tensai and the team. This might seem incredibly risky, and it probably is! Who knows what he'll find in the depths of history?

Then about BUSTED!, we've been updating and refining the game a lot in the past couple of weeks. For starters, the new block-breaking system is looking really good now!
While designing this system, we found that it was getting pretty difficult to see your mouse cursor sometimes due to the number of things going on at any given time, so we've introduced a new, prominent mouse cursor which helps you to see where you are. And trust us, you're going to want to be aware of your mouse's position at all times, especially when it comes to avoiding Dad's attention!

The game has also received some new illustrations for some of the screens, such as a background showing the player's house on the introduction screen for each day, and a secret scene for the ending screen (we can't tell you what that is just yet!)
But we can tell you guys here on Patreon that if you do manage to complete this tough game, then you'll unlock a bonus illustration as well as a little extra something in the game itself! (And - of course - bragging rights!)

Moving on to our brand-new 3D game project, things are going really smoothly! We've received a reference sheet for the 3D model of Kyo, and our 3D artist is putting the finishing touches on her model right now! Super exciting!
If you're supporting us at $10.00 or above here on Patreon, you'll be able to check out a preview of that model sheet in an upcomig post :)

The game will star the girls from the Time Tenshi series, and they'll make their way through plenty of environments set throughout history. But this won't be your average run-of-the-mill platformer game! The focus will be on action, dynamics and (of course) fanservice! We're getting hyped just thinking about it!
Stay tuned for more news on that front as well as our plans for a Kickstarter campaign based around that game. We can't wait to see what you guys think of it all!

Finally, now that we have all of the art assets, we've begun preliminary work on our visual novel about girls aboard a battleship! And about Time Tenshi 2, we're working on Steam Trading Cards for this game too. Many of the cards are already complete, and just like the cards for Time Tenshi and Burokku Girls, they'll be plenty ecchi!

Well, we hope you enjoyed this Silver Cow Patron Update - come back soon for more news and previews!

Thanks for your awesome support everyone,

- Silver Cow Studio


shard zerune

can we get an ETA on the new stuff for the new add ons to tenshi 2?