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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

Busy - that's been the keyword for us recently! And with Time Tenshi 2 so close to launch, we want to bring you guys up to speed on the latest happenings here at Silver Cow!

Firstly, as you may already know, Time Tenshi 2 has been officially Greenlit on Steam! Thanks to the keen support of the community, we were able to reach this in just 7 days, meaning it was our fastest ever Greenlight campaign! You're awesome, guys!

So, recently we've been hard at work finalising the game's script, music and art assets. Just yesterday (Friday) we uploaded the first build of the game to Steam - it's near final and there are just a few things to be tweaked and polished before launch, so we're getting pretty hyped!

Right now in the office we're reading through the game's script in one final check for consistency, grammar, spelling and the like. This is actually something we do for every visual novel, and it helps to catch most of those tricky mistakes that spellcheckers don't pick up! (Usually single words, like "made" instead of "make" - that kind of thing.)

The game's interface is also 95% complete, with just the Gallery screen left to tidy up as we write this, and all of the game's sprites are now done. Counting all the different expressions, outfits and variations, there's over 200 sprites in total! Wow!

Then, as we know you guys are itching to find out... let's talk launch date!

We can finally tell you, exclusively here on Patreon, that our planned launch date for Time Tenshi 2 is... Tuesday, June 14th!

Yes, it's that soon! Hype!!

Hopefully there shouldn't be any delays, so if all goes to plan you'll be able to play very soon! And don't forget, if you're supporting us at the $15.00 level or above and your pledge has cleared, then you'll get your code to play Time Tenshi 2 soon after launch, so just sit back and keep an eye out for the message in your Patreon inbox!

We hope you enjoyed reading this update, and that you're as excited as we are for the launch of the game! Stay tuned guys, Rose, Kyo and the crew are almost here!

Thanks as always for your support, and we'll have more updates on games in the works for you soon,

- Silver Cow Studio


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