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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

Progress is going well on the upcoming Time Tenshi on Nintendo Switch and Steam, and we thought you our Patreons would like a little update.

So the Rose, Michelle and Kyo sprites have now been coded into the game, and we've gone a step further and added a nice blinking and lip movement animation too that really helps to bring the characters to life when playing the game. 

Next we will be adding the remaining characters and begin work on input controls for the game. This thing is happening guys!

Hope you enjoy the screenshot, and if you are supporting us at the $20 and $40 tiers expect some great wallpapers later this month!

Thanks for your awesome support guys,

- Silver Cow Studio




Good to know that progress is being made. Not sure about calling this new game "Time Angels", if I'm being perfectly honest.


Agree on the time angels I like Time Tenshi better since I got used to the name.