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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

You asked, and now Michelle is answering - in this special question-and-answer session with the Commander of the Time Tenshi!

Well, Michelle, take it away!


Judgement: How was your first experience with the time window effecting your body? How far did you go back in time and where? :)

Michelle: Okay guys, so I'm kinda fashionably late. Sorry about that. I got caught up with some stuff in the lab and... y'know how it eats up the hours. Well, I guess you don't, but yeah.

So... first experience. Hmm... yeah, well my first experience? That was probably actually when I went FORWARD in time to meet Chrontek, way back when I was helping them after they sent out that distress signal. Or... was it? I don't really know, since I guess that never actually happened now... it gets confusing. But anyway, whether it really happened or not, yeah, that's the first time I actually used my Time Suit on a real trip through time.

And come to think of it, that's basically the ONLY time I've ever used the Time Window. After all, my job is pretty much to oversee each mission and make sure the Time Window doesn't decide to stop working, or worse. And since at that point I hadn't had any exposure to... whatever energies there are in the quantum stream, it didn't really affect me too much, although I definitely remember some changes. NOTHING like what happened during the time I was trapped inside the Time Window, though.


shard zerune: so michelle what would be the perfect date?

Michelle: A romantic, candle-lit dinner! Yeah, you probably guessed I'd say that, right? Oh, and I'd also like to watch a movie with someone special. Again, sorry if I didn't surprise you.

I mean, I've been working practically 24/7 around the lab lately after all the chaos that's been going on and well, it'd be nice to get a chance to just relax and be a normal person for once. Relatively normal, at least. I just don't know if Kenji... wait, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be writing that.


Martin Richards: Have you officially measured your new bust? If so, could you tell us what it is and how its affected your lifestyle?

Michelle: Uh... oh, um, well...

... yeah, I had to measure up while I was shopping online. No way I could get anything locally, if you know what I mean. And it comes with its own set of problems and challenges, but thanks to everyone's help I think I'm able to cope a lot better these days than at first.

It's still going to take a while for me to get used to... them. And sorry, there's no way I'm telling you the measurement!


Jack Norton: Michelle,  I was curious with you being the leader and " First Member" of what tessa has called your Time Tenshi, were there any interesting things that happened working with Tensai in the early stages of the time window?

Michelle: Oh boy, you bet. There's definitely a lot of stuff back there that we haven't touched on with Rose, Kyo and the other newcomers. Uh... newcomers to me and Tensai, at least. And right now I think it's for the best that some of that business is kept secret.

If I'm honest, some of the goings-on may have been... a little less than ethical in the early days. Neither of us did any of that stuff intentionally, of course, and we had no idea how the Time Window would affect people in its early stages of development. But equally, those first subjects knew what they were signing up to. They knew what they were getting involved in.

Still, doesn't help me sleep any better at night. I think... I don't know, I guess that's partly why I feel such a responsibility towards Bunni and Mizuki. I've seen enough lives ruined by the Time Window. It almost ruined mine too... I don't want to let that happen to anyone else.


Michael Lumnah II: Michelle, How many times have you had to tell Kyo she can't use the Time Window just to make her breasts swell up to as big as your's?

Michelle: Don't get me started on her. Kyo is honestly the worst troublemaker in the entire lab! Gah, I swear there's always some kind of mischief she's trying to make.

But there's no way anybody uses the Time Window for anything other than official business while I'm around. And I'm around the lab for MOST of the day lately, fixing stuff and repairing damage. I mean, I spend a lot of time there anyway as part of our continuing research, so... yeah, it's off-limits to all that kinda stuff.

Rose is probably the most well-mannered and serious of the girls. I like that about her. And Tessa, underneath that tough tomboy exterior, is actually pretty serious too. I like her attitude towards work and getting stuff done. Between the three of us, we make a pretty good team, and of course Kyo's help is invaluable too with everything she does on our equipment as well as the medical side.

I'm proud of our team and I'm proud to be the Commander! Thanks guys.


There you have it, guys!

We hope you enjoyed Michelle's special question and answer time! Come back soon for more news and updates!

Thanks for your great support,

- Silver Cow Studio




Great that my question was answered guys, good job as always silver cow, but is that a new outfit or Timesuit on Michelle? Looks great either way!


Glad to see these girls fleshed out, even if I couldn't think of very good questions myself.


Any chance of another of these in future? Totally gutted I didn't get to ask my favourite girl a question!


It looks like it's a new time suit she was supposed to use in Super Time Tenshi but I'm not sure what happened to that project? I really wanted to see her use it!


We're glad you liked the Q&A with Michelle, and who knows, she might appear for another session in the future! - Silver Cow Studio


Ah, I missed this. Still, the questions were great! Thanks, Michelle!