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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

You asked and Kyo answered! WIthout further ado, it's time for a special question-and-answer session with the cheerful maid girl, who'll reply to five of your best questions!

You can see the original post here, but for now, we're going to let Kyo take it away!


Phat94: When looking for anime or games with big breasted girls, what sorts of things do you like to see the most? Any character types or stories? Does any plot device really turn you off in particular?

Kyo: Yaaay, it's my turn! Hehe... sorry, I've been SUPER hyped for this!

So right... yeah, when I look for games they HAVE to have cute girls in them, obviously! The main character has to be a girl because... y'know, reasons... huh? What reasons? Well, um... because then I can pretend it's me! Hehe... yup, that's the only reason! Sorry... tehepero :P

Oh yeah, and um... plot devices that turn me off... none really that I can think of! Nope! I'm even OK with flat girls because... y'know... I was one too, once! Just... don't tell anyone that, okay? I'm serious!


snakebit1995: Was it hard to have to buy all new clothes to fit you after your "Accident". I'd bet suddenly having a bunch of ill fitting shirts wasn't a lot of fun.

Kyo: Umm... which accident... oh right, when I got stuck in the past for two days?! Hehe, that was SO fun! Nothing would fit me any more and I got to spend, like, an entire week shopping! It was soooo great!

Besides, I love it when I have to actually go out and buy a whole new wardrobe 'cause of the stuff that goes on the Time Window! All the clothes that seemed really comfy suddenly become SUPER tiny and it's just... AMAZING!


shard zerune: hey kyo was there any other girls that tensei wanted to heir to the compound or are you and the others th only ones?

Kyo: Heir to the... oh right, you mean like other girls who could join the team and stuff? Umm... I honestly dunno much about Tensai's plans but if I had to guess? I'd say he's definitely at least thought of bringing other people to the lab. I mean seriously? I'm working about 5 different jobs here! Medical nurse, gadget maker, time traveller, fighting game pro... phew! It's almost too much! But not quite... hehe!

But yeah, if you ask me I think we could definitely use a hand from some new girls. But me, I just get on with doing whatever Tensai tells me and leave all the decision making stuff to him and Michelle!


Martin Richards: Are you jealous of Michelle?

Kyo: Hehehe... maybe just a little! I mean, who wouldn't be?! :P

But when you put the high-heel on the OTHER foot... I reeeeeally wouldn't wanna get stuck in the Time Window like she did. A little while could be fun, sure! But for hours, days, weeks, MONTHS...? Nooooooo way! Nope nope nope!

But I love her so much and she means, like, a HUGE amount to me! Just like everyone on our team!


Kwartzite: During that time when you used the gauntlet functions to take on the princess, had you hoped for a different function besides the duplication trick?

Kyo: Yeeeeeah! I wanted to grow super-ultra-mega-humongously giant and stuff! But Tessa had to get that mode... sigh...

But I'm not worried, 'cause I'm totally sure that's not the last time we'll get to play around with the Quantum Guards! It's just... well... I haven't said anything to the others yet, but the prototypes we used against Neferu-re? They're TOTALLY fried! Hehe, must have been all the crazy goings-on in the chronal vortex after the battle... but yeah, not even I can fix those... at least not yet! Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up! Not with THAT much potential at stake!


We hope you enjoyed this special question and answer session with Kyo, guys! We'll be back soon with more news and updates!

Thanks as always for your support,

- Silver Cow Studio




awesome answers, glad we got to hear from kyo :)


I really wanted to ask Kyo a question too oh well. I just hope she gets the giant mode next time. And if that makes her happy then im happy too.


Tessa was already tall to be honest I really thought it was 50/50 between Rose and Kyo at best.