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Hi Silver Cow Patrons,

It's time for a new preview of a character who'll appear in the upcoming Super Time Tenshi! And this time we're showing you another of the game's "regular" enemies... this sharply-dressed lady is a gun-toting Assault Agent!

This girl models her appearance on Jessica, who we've mentioned briefly in previous posts (although we haven't told you guys too much about her just yet). But like we said, the Assault Agent is one of the enemies you're going to encounter regularly during the course of the game (our internal name for these kinds of enemies is "minions") and as you can see here, she's going to be pretty tough if you try to challenge her head-on!

She acts just like a secret agent in her animations, checking over her shoulder and receiving orders with her earpiece! In fact, we'd say she's generally way more cool and collected than the slightly bumbling Sniper Girl we showed you in a previous post!

We hope you enjoyed this preview guys, and come back soon for more news and updates on what we're working on!

Thanks for your awesome support,

- Silver Cow Studio




Much easier to aim a gun with smaller boobs than the sniper!


She definitely looks cool :)