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Hey everyone! First of all, sorry this took so long. I've been pretty busy overall and honestly wasn't able to find the inspiration to write as fast as I would have liked. Not to say that I didn't enjoy writing this part. There's a bunch of fun TFs, plus it's been a while since I did some straight up cock transformation so that at least was very nice. This is also the longest part of the three, so makes sense how it got so out of hand haha.

Like I said before, this will be the last part of the CYOA for now. I did really enjoy this concept, and I'm totally thinking about exploring it in the future. Maybe some standalone scenes with the transformed characters would be fun to do as well! For next time, I might either do a continuation with more Three Houses characters or try to do the SSM in another universe. I'll probably do a poll to see what you guys prefer.

As for what's next, I got the last two commissions lined up and ready to go. I would like to say that I'll be able to pop both of them out this month, but knowing my track record I basically guarantee nothing. Especially cus they're the longest of the group. That being said, both ideas are very cool so I'm really looking forward to doing them. But yeah, that's all I got for now. Thanks for the support, hope you guys enjoyed this one and cheers!


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