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Alright baby! Starting off commissions with a STRONG fic. A lot of people seemed to have enjoyed my Bad Case of Soleil fic. I gotta say, it's definitely one of my favorites as well haha. It mixes in a lot of different kinks that I like with characters I like, and also I wrote it in a haze of lust. Fics always come out the best when I'm at pic horny while writing them~ So here's a commission with a similar concept, except it's Ike who's getting Soleil-fied! It's not super long, but I had a lot of fun writing it, so I hope you find it enjoyable as well <3

In terms of what's next, I'm gonna be working on this month's CYOA and then back to commissions. The transformations Rhea's gonna go through are super fun, so I hope you're looking forward to that! Since I have a TON of commissions to go through, probably no monthly poll stories for this or even next month. Please forgive me! I do hope you'll get some enjoyment out of these coming fics tho! But yeah, that's about it. I hope you guys like this one and cheers!


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