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"Soleil finds herself getting transformed into Forrest one day. When she and the original Forrest discover the pleasures of each other, as well as the power to transform even more people into Forrest, things get out of hand"

Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to apologize for the lack of content this May. It's been a pretty complicated month for me all in all. I was out on vacation for the first couple of weeks, which meant my writing output was down in the dumps. Not to mention, I've been struggling with some BIG writer's block these days, as well as just generally been trying to get my stuff together haha. I know I'm often on the back end and trying to pick myself up, but I truly think June is going to be a much better month for me content wise.

The next (and final) part of the Raigh story is almost done. I've only got a couple thousand words to write up and it'll be good to go. I did decide to take a break from it and make a Mercedes birthday piece (due in one day haha) but that's neither here nor there. Basically, there's gonna be a nice injection of content in the next couple of weeks so look forward to that. As for the next patron poll, I don't know if I'm gonna have a poll for what the story will be or just do what I want. Leave your feedback below if you care.

As for this story, I was playing with ChatGPT a couple of weeks ago and got really into it. It can make some surprisingly decent content if you give it the time. I thought hey, since I'm doing this I might as well clean it up and post it. But honestly I feel like it's a little bit too time consuming (as in taking time from regular fic making) for me to really do much more of these in the future. I also just feel like my regular fics are just better haha. Don't think I'm gonna post this publicly cus it feels weird to do that with AI stuff. But hey, I was missing some content and I feel bad so might as well post it, right? Lemme know what you guys think and I'll see you soon! 


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