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"As more and more boys start going missing in Garreg Mach, this set of disappearances finally catch prince Dimitri's attention once his retainer Dedue becomes one of them. During his investigation of the matter,Dimitri meets the shy Marianne, who seems unusually adamant about asking him to stop looking. But after the two share a heartfelt moment and romantic connection, Marianne can't help but bring Dimitri into the folds."

Hey everyone!!! Happy easter or whatever!!!! First of all, I'd like to apologize for the delay. I wasn't kidding when I said that the monthly poll stories were gonna be long. This one particularly got a lil' bit out of hand hahaha. I think one of the main reasons I put it off for so long was just the sheer size and time it would take. The writing process itself went well, though I did get into a couple of snags here and there. Overall, I did have fun writing this and I enjoy longer form projects every now and again but man I just feel bad that it takes so long between fics. 

The silver lining I guess would be that I was able to do most of my creative vision sufficient justice. But don't expect me to make the next poll stories as long, I'm definitely cutting down on them. Either by cutting them up and posting them in different parts, or splitting up my plans and maybe proposing possible sequels. As for what's coming next, gonna have the next cyoa story up in the next week or so. After that, I'll be busy for the rest of April but I'll try to have more stuff! Thanks for the patience and support, as always. Hope you enjoyed this one, cheers!



Identity theft isn't my thing but this was written well