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October's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers

  • Cocky Confidence 4
  • Turning Your Life Upside Down 2
  • What Goes Around Comes Around 2
  • Father's One and Only 0
  • Farmhouse of Heroes 1
  • Edelgard's Totally Normal Day 2
  • Byleth's Weapon Collection 2
  • Random Relationships Awakening 0
  • 2022-10-19
  • —2022-10-26
  • 13 votes
{'title': "October's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers", 'choices': [{'text': 'Cocky Confidence', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Turning Your Life Upside Down', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'What Goes Around Comes Around', 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Father's One and Only", 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Farmhouse of Heroes', 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Edelgard's Totally Normal Day", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Byleth's Weapon Collection", 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Random Relationships Awakening', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 26, 22, 3, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 19, 21, 59, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 13}


Waaaaaahhhh how is it that there's another one of these already >____<

October's halfway through, I still got a whole ass comm to complete and I haven't even started on any of the patron polls that are due... Please stick by me fellas. Next month I'm gonna have at least two monthly polls finished or else I'll eat my shoe! One of these days I'll no longer have a tremendous backlog! In the meantime, here's the options for a story that will come in hopefully less than a year xd

Cocky Confidence: Though Dorothea loves Bernadetta quite a lot, she is getting worried about her girlfriend's antisocial behavior. While pondering over her problem, Dorothea comes across Hilda transforming Marianne into her cock. It turns out Hilda was having the same issues with her girlfriend as Dorothea. Thus in order to help the one she loves overcome her problems, Dorothea too decides to turn Bernadetta into her cock, parading her around with an erection and masturbating in public so that little Bernadeetta gets used to all the attention.

Turning Your Life Upside Down [UDTF]: While researching some spells in the Nohrian library, Elise finds a hex that will supposedly 'turn someone's life around'. What she didn't expect was that it would be so literal when she tried it on herself! While she turns into a cock and her pussy takes over, every part of Elise is flipped, going from a sweet cheery gal to a sadistic and dominating mommy. And of course, the new Esile is more than happy to share her new self with all her Nohrian commrades~

What Goes Around Comes Around: Robin has been held captive and treated like a slave for several months. But before her mind totally breaks from the torture, the tactician is able to defeat her captures and escape back to Ylisse. Unfortunately, the many mental wounds she received during her time are not quick to heal, and soon Robin finds herself not just mindbreaking her very own allies, but enjoying it quite a lot.

Father's One and Only: Having grown too jealous and tired of all the love her father Corrin is giving her mother Charlotte, the cute little Kana hatches a diabolical plan. She casts a special hex that transforms Charlotte's head into her own, creating a brand new Kana that will share Corrin with her. Corrin is of course terrified. But not only does no one else seem to notice anything wrong, as Corrin continues to refuse, Kana transforms more and more people's heads into her own until Corrin will have no choice but give them all the love they desire.

Farmhouse of Heroes: After being summoned to a brand new world, Robin  finds herself with the lower body of a horse and an enormous studly,  stallion cock. Before she can figure out what's going on however, she is  assaulted by several other heroes who possess their regular heads atop  the bodies of farm animals and incredibly exaggerated sexual features.  It seems Robin is the new 'breeding stud' making her quite popular among  the mostly female population of animal heroes. And the worst part is  all of these proud warriors seem to act as if there's nothing wrong with  their animalistic forms. Can Robin get to the bottom of this, or will  she too crumble to the desire of being a horny farm animal?

Edelgard's Totally Normal Day: It is yet another average day for  Edelgard, the heir to the Adrestian Empire. As the princess goes about  on her regular business though, she somehow manages to swap genitals  with one of her fellow classmates, taking a part of their personality  and altering reality itself in the process! Now Edelgard must try to  find a way to reverse her genital swappage while she deals their side  effects and her own attraction towards her Professor.

Byleth's Weapon Collection: After hearing that a new fighter is entering  the tournament, Cloud Strife is excited to challenge them. Thanks to  Byleth's large array of weapons though, both new and familiar, she is  able to best him in combat with ease. As a reward for her victory,  Byleth forcibly takes Cloud's weapon, along with his masculinity,  turning him into her personalized sissified slave. Will Cloud be able to  escape this terrible role, or will he give in to the pleasures of his  new body?

Random Relationships Awakening: Chrom is awoken by pleasurable  sensations coming from under his bed covers. He thinks it's his wife at  first, but when Lucina pops out from underneath the sheets he realizes  things are really wrong. Soon Chrom finds out that everyone's  relationships have gotten all mixed up. Lucina thinks she's his wife,  Cherche thinks she's his daughter, and the only person who remembers  normalcy is him. How is he going to fix this???


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