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August's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers (Reup)

  • A Monstrous Backfire 3
  • Four Girls, One Body 8
  • Farmhouse of Heroes 2
  • Intoxicating Personality 2
  • Becoming a Proper Successor 4
  • A Life Changing Sermon 3
  • Edelgard's Totally Normal Day 4
  • Tharja's Futapocalypse 7
  • 2022-08-15
  • —2022-08-22
  • 33 votes
{'title': "August's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers (Reup)", 'choices': [{'text': 'A Monstrous Backfire', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Four Girls, One Body', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Farmhouse of Heroes', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Intoxicating Personality', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Becoming a Proper Successor', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'A Life Changing Sermon', 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Edelgard's Totally Normal Day", 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Tharja's Futapocalypse", 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 22, 15, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 15, 15, 17, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 33}


(Apologies for the reupload, had to make this multiple choice like the other one)

Hey fellas! Thanks for sticking by my through this dry, dry August. I know I've not been able to keep up with the poll stories, and I apologize. It's been a pretty busy month all things considered, and writing has not been as kind  to me as I'd hoped. My goal was to start pumping out at least some poll stories around august and have em finished by December. That goal is looking more and more far away as time goes on haha. Nevertheless, I'll persevere. As soon as I finish this next comm I got (which is probably gonna take 1-2 months realistically) I'll get to stomping out those poll stories. So just hang on tight, keep on voting and your fruits will be rewarded soon! But that's enough of me rambling. Here's this month's options!

A Monstrous Backfire: In an attempt to improve the army's combate performance, Camilla plays with a weird spell book that promises to give all the females in the army 'monstrous' strength. However, the book was being a little bit too literal, for as soon as she casts the spell she's transformed into a horny, wyvern monstergirl! Unable to control her lust, Camilla starts defiling any girl she comes across. This only makes things worse though, as her monster-fying curse is spreadable! Soon, Corrin's army is filled to the brim with big, hung, dominating monster girls and their wimpy husbands.

Four Girls, One Body: Lysithea has gathered Annette, Flayn and Bernadetta in order to cast some very unstable magical experiments. Unfortunately, something goes horribly wrong and the trio of girls find themselves with their bodies transposed onto Lysithea's crotch and functioning as her needy cocks. Things only get more chaotic as soon as the girls discored every time one of them cums, they switch places and become the main body while the previous girl becomes another girl cock in turn. Until they can find a way to turn back to normal, a fight for dominance ensues amongst the four girls as they struggle with the pleasure of having three cocks and being a cock.

Farmhouse of Heroes: After being summoned to a brand new world, Robin finds herself with the lower body of a horse and an enormous studly, stallion cock. Before she can figure out what's going on however, she is assaulted by several other heroes who possess their regular heads atop the bodies of farm animals and incredibly exaggerated sexual features. It seems Robin is the new 'breeding stud' making her quite popular among the mostly female population of animal heroes. And the worst part is all of these proud warriors seem to act as if there's nothing wrong with their animalistic forms. Can Robin get to the bottom of this, or will she too crumble to the desire of being a horny farm animal?

Intoxicating Personality: An upstanding, hard-working woman is suddenly faced with a difficult dilemma as her perverted, slob, stoner, NEET failure of a brothers asks her to crash at her house while he 'gets back to his feet'. Despite her initial complaints, her husband and children are incredibly supported, and all seems to be going well. That is, until the rest of her family start to act more and more like him until they become exactly like him. They dress like him, act like him, until they eventually start to refer to themselves as him though their bodies remain unaltered. There is nothing the married woman can do as the entirety of her family and even herself succumb to complete mental twinning.

Becoming a Proper Successor: Queen Henriette has become concerned of how   her son Alfonse is going to fare as king now that his father has  passed  away. So, enlisting the help of the trickster Loki, Henriette  decides  to take matters into her own hands... By transforming Alfonse  into a  cute femboi princess and giving herself a huge throbbing cock.  If  Alfonse can't be a proper king, then he will make for the perfect  queen~

A Life Changing Sermon: All of the houses in Garreg Mach are congregated  in  the cathedral, where Archbishop Rhea is giving a candid sermon. However, there is something strange with her preaching, for the more she talks, the more mature and masculine the girls in the cathedral become.  Soon, every female fully turns into mature, busty newhalf sluts with huge cocks that think of themselves as males while every boy transforms into their cute androgynous pupils as the Officer's Academy's turns into the Sissy Whore's Academy.

Edelgard's Totally Normal Day: It is yet another average day for  Edelgard, the heir to the Adrestian Empire. As the princess goes about  on her regular business though, she somehow manages to swap genitals  with one of her fellow classmates, taking a part of their personality  and altering reality itself in the process! Now Edelgard must try to  find a way to reverse her genital swappage while she deals their side  effects and her own attraction towards her Professor.

Tharja's Futapocalypse: Tharja is working on another hex to make Robin  hers, when suddenly something goes terribly wrong. The concoction is  infected with an unknown chemical and splashes all over Tharja, turning  her into a mindless horny futa. Unable to contain these feelings, Tharja  meanders out of her tent in search of girls or guys to fuck. What she  doesn't realize is that this strange magic will turn other girls into  mindlessly horny futas and other guys into sissified feminine slaves.  Soon the entire Ylissian camp descends into pandemonium int his  Futapocalypse.


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