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June's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurker

  • A Goat Load of Trouble 1
  • Changing Teams 4
  • Father-Daughter Breeding Season 4
  • Struggling Sluts of Garreg Mach 3
  • Hector Mayhem 0
  • Byleth's Weapon Collection 1
  • Lissa's Special Concoction 4
  • Becoming a Proper Successor 3
  • 2022-06-19
  • —2022-06-26
  • 20 votes
{'title': " June's Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurker", 'choices': [{'text': 'A Goat Load of Trouble', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Changing Teams', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Father-Daughter Breeding Season', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Struggling Sluts of Garreg Mach', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Hector Mayhem', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Byleth's Weapon Collection", 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Lissa's Special Concoction", 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Becoming a Proper Successor', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 26, 17, 33, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 19, 17, 31, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 20}


Guess who's cool and also fashionably late making this month's patron poll. This guy! Same thing as the previous months. Working on one last commission and prompts, when they're done I'll get back to these I swear. Please look forward to the stories coming out soon, but in the meantime vote like you mean it!!!!

A Goat Load of Trouble: Asriel's back home and he finds everything feeling... wrong. Everyone is  so much more touchy with him. And the way they look at him is making  him nervous. But it wasn't until Officer Undine presses his face against  her thick blue cock in the middle of the street, asking for 'the usual'  that Asriel really felt how weird things have gotten.  Turns out that the cute little Ralsei has been manipulating reality, spreading his LOVE across town,  and all under Asriel's identity!

Changing Teams: Tired of being consistently bested of being Corrin's  favorite sister by Camilla, Hinoka decides she'll become Corrin's  strongest brother instead. After taking the genderswap potion however,  Hinoka loses all of her muscles and huge-assed femboy. Not that Camilla  seems to mind, for her huge cock finds the cute little femboy  irresistible.

Father-Daughter Breeding Season: Chrom and Lucina are practicing their horse riding, when all of a sudden a strange blast of magical energy causes Chrom to merge with his mare and Lucina to merge with her stallion forming two fully formed Centaurs. The worst part of all however, is that Lucina's horse was mating with Chrom's horse, and the two are right in the middle of breeding season...

Struggling Sluts of Garreg Mach: Those Who Slither in the Dark have subverted Garreg Mach from the  shadows and has turned it into a whorehouse staffed by its former  inhabitants. The students turned cock sluts have the ability to use dark magic and shape their bodies to fit their clients' desires, but their orgasms are locked behind their clients' permision. But out of all the successful whores of Garreg Mach, the only ones who still haven't felt orgasm are Lysithea and Annette. Desperate for release, the former brains of Garreg Mach must transform their bodies in crazed ways and put on a show so that they may finally get some release from their unending edging.

Hector Mayhem: Hector is cursed by an angry shaman for being a brute.  After having sex with Lyn, he realizes that everytime he has sex with  someone, that person will turn into a copy of him, except in a few  aspects like hair color and name, and every time a Hector copy has sex  with someone else, they too turn into Hector. And what's more, all the  Hector copies really enjoy being Hector and start spreading it around  like wildfire, so Hector must do something to try and stop it.

Byleth's Weapon Collection: After hearing that a new fighter is entering  the tournament, Cloud Strife is excited to challenge them. Thanks to  Byleth's large array of weapons though, both new and familiar, she is  able to best him in combat with ease. As a reward for her victory,  Byleth forcibly takes Cloud's weapon, along with his masculinity,  turning him into her personalized sissified slave. Will Cloud be able to  escape this terrible role, or will he give in to the pleasures of his  new body?

Lissa's Special Concoction: Anxious to confess her love to her darling  Maribelle, Lissa comes to the Dark Mage Tharja in hopes of some help.  Tharja agrees to help the blonde princess by brewing a potion that will  change Maribelle's preferences using Lissa's juices. However, when Lissa  hands Maribelle the finished potion, the pompous troubadour unknowingly  shares the drink with every single female in the army, turning them all  into apologetically horny lesbian butches.

Becoming a Proper Successor: Queen Henriette has become concerned of how   her son Alfonse is going to fare as king now that his father has  passed  away. So, enlisting the help of the trickster Loki, Henriette  decides  to take matters into her own hands... By transforming Alfonse  into a  cute femboi princess and giving herself a huge throbbing cock.  If  Alfonse can't be a proper king, then he will make for the perfect  queen~


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