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"The students of Garreg Mach academy are growing, and soon they're all  starting to move onto Advanced Classes. However, they're not just gaining mounts and picking up new skills, because every time a student  changes classes, their genitals change to match their class as well! As the student's organ's change and they become more open, promiscuity  spreads through the academy with total normality. That's how class change works after all!"

Hey ya'll! Been a little while since I've posted a poll story or a full story in general! For about a month I've been working on this "little" project. But lo and behold, your boy has once again gotten carried away and made the poll story much longer and more complicated than it needed to be. Whoops! For this reason, and the fact that it's not even finished yet, I've decided to split it up into three different parts. Part 2 is actually already done, but I'll post it next week just to give me some time to finish up part 3. I'm hoping that I can finish part 3 this week, and then maybe get to work on some other stuff. It's been a really busy and crazy time in my life, but I wanna keep pushing through so I appreciate your patience. But yeah, that's about it for this story. Hope you liked it, and cheers!


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