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Hey everyone! Hope you guys had a great Christmas, and I wish you a wonderful New Year! I feel like I make an update post every year around this time, so might as well make another one am I right?

First order of business, the polls. Through this entire year, I've had them every couple of months instead of every month in an attempt to catch up with them. Yet even now, I still haven't caught up to them. As much I as I love the idea of the poll stories, I feel like the demand really hasn't been there. Only a pair of people suggest ideas, barely anyone wants rerequests. And I get a lot more money from commissions. For that reason, I'm going to keep them the way they are now. Having them a month apart from each other makes it so that they don't pile up too much and it gives me times for other things, while still keeping them around. If demand ever increases, they might be reinstated to their original glory but for now they'll remain as is.

Second and more importantly, I am going to be reinstating the Powerful Pervert AND Heroic Whore tiers, with a couple of modifications. Number one, they'll be a lot higher priced to match my increased demand and I will be doing prompts instead of stories. I feel like people really like prompt season, and I'm pretty comfortable actually writing prompts. For those reasons, it felt like the perfect idea to have some sort of monthly prompt tier where you guys get to submit prompts for a certain price! For now, I'll only have 4 PPs and 2 HW, with the same benefits as before except prompts instead of full stories. Depending on the demand and how much I am able to write, I'll modify these tiers accordingly. Hope you guys are excited for the changes! I know for sure I am ^^

tl;dr Two highest tiers are returning with prompts instead of stories.


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