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"Madoka and her friends have defeated a witch, but at a great cost... They've all been turned into bodiless heads! Thankfully, their bodies seem to emerge soon, but the bumbling bodies are so clumsy, they attach the wrong heads to their crotches!"

Alright! So school is over, which means my content output should be better????? That being said I'm still a bit busy, so fics won't be coming out super consistently or fast. I think I might be able to get 2 maybe 3 more fics this month? But we'll see how that goes. As for this commission itself, I was pretty happy with how it turned out. I'm a pretty big Madoka fan, so getting to write some Madoka content is always fun. Hoping I can write some more in the future~ But that's it for now. Thanks for the continued support, I hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!


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