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Tl;dr: I will now be doing the story polls once every two months instead of doing them monthly. It is simply just too much work and not enough benefits to keep going like this.

Hey guys. This is a pretty difficult post to make, if I have to be honest. I've been mulling over it for quite some time, thinking about what kind of solution I could come up for my problem. And though I really don't like it, I feel like this is the best direction to take things in.

Starting from now on and onto the forseeable future, patron polls will be done on a bi-monthly basis. That means the next monthly poll will be in April, and there will be no monthly poll on March. No poll on May, one in July, etc.

The main and principal reason is that I just can't keep up with them. I'm always doing my best to clear my backlog of stories, but as each month goes on my backlog only continues. I've been trying to clean my plate up for over a year and I'm still not caught up. 

The fact is, I just can't keep up with the monthly polls. On a good month, I should be publishing 1 story every week. If I was able to consistently write this amount, monthly polls should be no problem. However, life is a volatile thing. Whether it's because of lack of inspiration, studies or just plain randomness, somtimes I'm not able to produce content at that rate, and so I feel it's necessary for me to slow down.

This backlog also carries a heavy psychological burden on me. As much as I love to write stories you guys want, I also want to write stuff I want to write every now and then. That's the main reason I started writing in the first place. Whether it's gift for friends or sexy whims when I get in one of those moods, writing stuff that I'm passionate over and makes me horny has always been one of my main inspirations, which becomes a problem when I have this big backlog looming over me like a cloud. 

Another big issue with the polls is that they're just not economically viable for me. At the moment, I get about 50 - 60$ per month on Patreon while writing 10k plus fics. Meanwhile, considering my current rate of coms, I'd get the same amount for a 5 - 6k fic (And I'm also probably going to raise my prices too very soon). So economically it's better for me to invest on doing commissions over doing monthly polls. 

With all these facts considered, monthly polls will now be done bi-monthly (once every two months). To compensate, I plan to have all future polls contain 10 options and last a week longer. I really didn't want to get rid of the poll idea alltogether, because it is something I am fondly attached to. I appreciate your support and your feedback, and I want you all to be able to express your desires to me in this way. But it's just better for me both financially and emotionally to let myself focus on different things.

That's not to say monthly polls will never return like usual some day. But for now, I hope you understand my reasoning and continue to support me despite my misgivings. Whatever you choose to do, I appreciate your support and will continue to try my best as we keep on rolling in this wild ride.



glad you are considering your mental and financial health, keep up the good work!

Ranger Cealers

Hey its always best to think about your own health most of us will understand that