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December Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers

  • True Strength of the Goddess 0
  • Uninvited Guests: Royal Intervention 1
  • Nut-terfly Effect 1
  • Faceless Desire 4
  • Orb of Reality 4
  • 2020-12-09
  • —2020-12-16
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'December Monthly Patron Poll - Lewd Lurkers', 'choices': [{'text': 'True Strength of the Goddess', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Uninvited Guests: Royal Intervention', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Nut-terfly Effect', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Faceless Desire', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Orb of Reality', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 16, 7, 0, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 9, 7, 29, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


CHRISTMAS! Hope you guys have been enjoying the prompts thus far ^^ I've been having a lot of fun writing them! But now we're deep in December, we got another monthly poll to do, so let's get this party started!

True Strength of the Goddess: Byleth has just merged with Sothis, and after getting over her father's death and the loss of her godly companion, the professor has been affected with a brand new problem: That of lust. Though she is able to hold her urges back for quite some time, something awakens inside Byleth when she finds Bernadetta masturbating in her room. In a few moments, Byleth instantly transforms into an extremely aroused, tall, muscular Amazonic goddess, who forces herself upon the unsuspecting Bernie. Not only that, but it seems her breast milk is able to spread her transformation, and Bernie quickly becomes as muscular and aroused as her. Though neither know how long such a state will last, it seems Byleth will finally be able to sate her titanic lust.

[Tags: Yuri, Muscle Growth, Infectious TF, Amazons, Noncon]

Uninvited Guests: Royal Intervention: As more and more boys start going missing in Garreg Mach, this set of disappearances finally catch prince Dimitri's attention once his retainer Dedue becomes one of them. During his investigation of the matter, Dimitri meets the shy Marianne, who seems unusually adamant about asking him to stop looking. But after the two share a heartfelt moment and romantic connection, Marianne can't help but bring Dimitri into the folds.

[Tags: Futa, Inverse CTF, Identity Theft, Futa on Futa, Pseudo-Possession]

Nut-terfly Effect: Having defeated the dreadful dragon Grima in the present timeline, Lucina returns to her future triumphant and eager to see how wonderful it turned out. However, as she steps through the portal she quickly realizes things are not as right as they should be. It was like her world had been transformed into a sexual parody of itself! Fake dicks and cunts adorned every corner, semi-nude people were having sex on the street, and weapons have been transformed into nothing more than glorified dildos! What's more, Lucina seems to have grown a huge fat cock! Determined to find the source of this corruption, Lucina quickly heads to the castle, where she finds the mastermind of it all: Aversa. Will Lucina be able to destroy this sexual witch, or will the new horny laws of the land break her?

[Tags: Futa, Corruption, Reality Bending, Public Sex, Public Nudity, Perverted Morals, Feminization]

Faceless Desire: After playing around with some of Rhajat's hexes and potions, Soleil accidentally douses herself in a heavily transformative material which turns her into a semi-mindless, aroused, male Faceless beast. Chaos quickly ensues as this monster discovers it can transform other girls with simple sex. Will Rhajat be able to turn things back to normal, or will Corrin's army be transformed into a group of horny beasts?

[Tags: FtM Gender Bender, Infectious TF, Mass TF, Monster TF, Male on Male, Male on Female, Noncon]

Orb of Reality - Anna orders a group of FEH heroes to go obtain the powerful orb of reality. However, they're a bit clumsy with it and accidentally drop it, causing reality to shift in strange ways every time it gets bumped.

[Contains Reality Change, Lots of TF, Futa, Milf, Gay, etc.]


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