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"The group of Camillas that used to be Corrin's army are happy to enjoy every day having sex with each other. However, these lustful Camillas   are hungry for more. In the same place they'd once discovered the  twinning book, the Camillas have set up a sexual magic lab, where they're researching all sorts of ways to have more perverted sex. From pheromone production, to cum baths and even Camilla impregnation, only   the craziest sexual tirades await at Camilla's Sexual Labs."

HEYYYYYY!!!! It's been a lil' while~ Hope you guys missed me~ Anyways, after what has been a rough couple of weeks for ya boy, I've finally come back with some sweet as content for you all. Part of of the Camilla Sexcapade saga is complete! Yay!!! There's some weird kinky pheromone and unbirth/birth play here, so I hope you guys enjoy that! Next up is a weird lil' story I promised I'd write for a buddy of mine. And after that, I'll try to catch up on some more monthly polls. I know I've talked about commissions before, but I can't give ya'll any dates anymore, sorry! My hopes is that I can write a ton of fics this coming November so that maybe I'll be able to produce a sweet December treat~ But yeah, that's all I got for you today. Once again, I would like to thank each and every one of you for the support you've been giving me. I know I'm not the most reliable of artists, but if it weren't for your support I know I wouldn't be doing this to this day. Lots of love to ya'll <3 Hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!


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