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"The group of Camillas that used to be Corrin's army are happy to enjoy every day having sex with each other. However, these lustful Camillas  are hungry for more. In the same place they'd once discovered the twinning book, the Camillas have set up a sexual magic lab, where  they're researching all sorts of ways to have more perverted sex. From pheromone production, to cum baths and even Camilla impregnation, only  the craziest sexual tirades await at Camilla's Sexual Labs."

YO! Once again, I must apologize to ya'll for the shortness of content. (I sure do that, huh). I seem to have fallen into a writing rut that has left my creative juices at a minimum. I don't really have an excuse for it either, I just haven't been feeling the best. That's why I decided to split this one into two as well, so that I could perhaps get some content for this week and next week. But anyways, that's enough about my boring writing routines. Here we got a nice side story to that massive Camilla fic I did before. This one's got a lot of nice, kinky stuff involving ever flirting Camilla clones, so look forward to part two~


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