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Well, one week has passed for our experimental one week monthly poll, so here we have the results:

Woowee! This one was pretty stacked! I always love when more than one story is popular during the poll so they can battle it out and we see who wins. What I don't like though is doing a tie breaker. Unfortunately, that's what I've had to do! It was a pretty difficult choice to make, but in the end I decided to go with Welcome to Smash, as that's been in more polls before. As for our runner up, the Return of the 10 Elites, it'll receive the consolation prize of getting to be on next month's poll! I hope it wins because it's a concept I very much look forward to writing. Anyways, with this out of the way I'm going to get back to working on more fics. Though we already have the results for this month, I'm still behind enough that I probably won't be able to write this story until next month ^^ Still! I'm working on a fun fic right now, and once that's done I'll go ahead and catch up with the rest of my monthly poll stories. I pinky promise by everything that's holy that by July, I will have no more monthly stories due! And if I don't, then I'll give someone a free commission or something. Surely that's a wonderful way for me to catch up with my work, by taking more work lol. Anywas, I've been goofing off for long enough. Thank you for your feedback and for voting in the poll. I will see you guys very soon!


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