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"During one of the Rebirth Ceremonies, Spring Bunny Kagero wakes up tied to a chair inside a supply closet. Her captors? The two twin maids Felicia and Flora. They're both jealous Kagero's breasts are taking away everyone's attention, and so they plan to take that affection for themselves by transforming into the main focus."

Hi hi! Well, here's this last piece, another absorption kinda thing like the ones I've been doing for a while. This is actually my last pending commission, so I'm pretty happy about that! After this, we just got a couple of poll stories to finish, and then I'll finally be all caught up! You guys really don't know how excited I am to be free of commitments haha. Anyways, enough about that. This was a pretty fun piece to write, breast tf isn't something that's very common so its nice to do it every now and then. And with that, I hope you enjoyed this one and cheers!



really great