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What's up friends! Its been about a week for the monthly poll, so let's go ahead and check out the progress!

Pretty sick stuff! This is probably the most balanced I've ever seen a poll thus far! Every option has at least one vote, although its clear that Manuela's Magical Curriculum has piqued you guys' interest more than the others. All in all, I'm glad the option resonated with you. It was something I was very into when I came up. In general, the support for this poll has been great. I'm glad its been well received. I can only hope the next polls live up to expectation~! Anyways, still plenty of time to vote. As I promised, I'll try and have one of the monthly poll stories I have due done by this month (Perhahps next week, or the one after that.) But yeah, with that keep on voting, and have a cool day!


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