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"It is the Ceremony of Rebirth in the Order of Heroes, a celebration where Heroes grow 'closer' to one another, and Edelgard along with Azura are planning to finally become one with their lovers: Byleth and Corrin. After eating the transformatives required, Edelgard and Azura start dancing, giving Byleth and Corrin a show that will change the four girls' lives."

Here we are with another piece of fiction! We've been on a pretty big CTF train, huh? I know my name is CTFMeister, but this is ridiculous! Hahaha, I'm just joshing. I really enjoy the fetish, so writing all these fics has been a blast. I just hope ya'll ain't getting tired of it :V

After this, there's only just a few more comms and patron stories to go before I can get to the monthly Patron Stories. Its gonna be great, I'm telling ya! I also have a little surprise planned for Valentine's, so look forward to that~ With that said, I hope you enjoyed this one, and cheers!



so so so amazing!