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Very short poll this one! I might honestly have the polls be shorter in the future as well, since 90% of the votes are done in the first few days. Anyways, as for the votes, I'm not really sure. Can you guys tell which story won?


These are the most skewed results of any poll so far. Gee weez. I guess most of you really vibed with the CTF idea. Which is good! Because I'm more than happy to write more Mercedes content, seeing as she's my favorite Three Houses girl. As I said before, I'll do my best to get this uploaded on the 24th. This week is also going to be a bit rocky, but I'll be on super duper effort mode. Luckily, winter break is coming soon, which means I'll be going sicko mode on fic writing. So look forward to that~!

Also, the rerequest list has been updated and I am taking rerequests for next month's poll. Check those out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31320717 

(Remember that all tiers can rerequest fics!)


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