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"Dorothea has had it with Ferdinand's crap about nobility. To make him,  she decides to conjure up some magic that swaps their social status (and  genders~). Soon Ferdinand will learn the hardships (and pleasures) of  being a commoner girl."

HOW YA'LL DOING GUYS? AFTER SO LONG, ITS FINALLY FINISHED AAAAA. Carrying on with my previous stories of getting carried away, here I bring you my longest fic yet: 13k monsterpiece. I worked on this for a very long time, so I hope that the result is satisfactory. I really wanted to do a longform type of corruption, so I really hope that it reads as another enjoyable fic. For now, I have a bunch of other rewards to finish up, so I won't be able to start on the TToR. But rest assured that I will be doing my darndest to put out great content! With that, I hope you enjoy this one, and cheers!


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