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Since it might be a bit unclear, I've decided to make an in-depth post about rerequests. The way this works is pretty simple: if a story did not win before and I haven't written it, it is available for rerequest. This is open to all of the tiers, even the 1$ tier. I usually ask the 5$ tier and above about rerequest, but if you're in the 1$smol tier and you're interested in rerequesting a story, you're going to have to reach out to me and not the other way around. 

To make things easier, I've decided to create a list of stories that are available for rerequest here, and I'll be updating it constantly. This way, if anyone wants to rerequest a story, they can do so by just looking at this post and seeing which stories area available. I'll also be posting a link to this list every a poll ends, so no need to bookmark it or anything. 

The way this list works is as follows: First are only the titles, and then there's the titles and descriptions. Its divided this way in case you already know what the story behind the title is and you don't have to scroll down too much. 


* Cocky Confidence

* Turning Your Life Upside Down [UDTF]

* What Goes Around Comes Around

* Father's One and Only

* A Monstrous Backfire

* Intoxicating Personality

* A Goat Load of Trouble

* Struggling Sluts of Garreg Mach

* The Dudebro Curse

* Back to the Stepford

* Double Sister Double Dicking

* Holy Nabatean Rebirth

* Losing to Big Boy Belly

* DO Nut November!!!

* [Pokemon] Swapping Out Champions

* Changing Teams

* [Deltarune] The Magic of Dark World

* [Deltarune] Do Feed the Goat

* [Deltarune] A Proper Hero

* Becoming A Proper Successor

* Reconnecting With Family

* Unexpected Blessings: The Midst of Battle

* Birthing a New You

* Like Mother, Like Son

* A Life Changing Sermon

* Bitch to Dead Beat - Encore

* The Key to Femininity

* Homo-phelia

* Royally Screwed

* Welcome to Garreg Mach (Sequel to Welcome to Smash)

* Beauty is in the Eye of Camilla - Camilla Conversion Booth (Side story/Sequel to Beauty is in the Eye of Camilla)

* Nut-terfly Effect

* True Strength of the Goddess

* An Icy Deception

* Pegasus Purity Moon

* Panty Mix-Up Disaster

* The New Head of Command

* Beating the Heat at Garreg Mach

* Edelgard's Totally Normal Day

* Crest of the Bull

* Change of Leadership

* Spontaneous Cockbustion

* Tempted by the Forbidden Fruit

* Lissa's Special Concotion

* Girls Will be Boys

* Return of the 10  Elites

* Too Many Sword Fighters

* Fire Emblem Whores

* Bernie's Big Problem

* Naga's Womb

* Tom Nook's Transformation Package 

*  Farmboy Idol

* Byleth's Weapon Collection

* Elise Lust Fairy

* Lilina Swap Charm

* The Houses Swap

* Effie's Training Regiment

* That Bitch! (Male)

* Further Lessons on the Winter Festival

* Spirit of Joy

* Santa is Cumming to Town

 * Tharja's Futapocalypse

* Super Girly Idol Sylvia

* Random Relationships Awakening 

* Power of the Fell Brand 

* The new Archbishop 

* Celica's Celica 

* Managing S-Supports 

* Oboro's Futa Corruption 

* Delthea x Mathilda Headswap 

* Mama Cecilia 

* Lilina, Wielder of the Binding Blade 

* Elise and Niles Genital Swap 

* Order of Role Reversed Heroes  

* Hector Mayhem 

* Bracelet of Lives Fates 

* The Great Kingdom of Mifl

* Genealogy of the Futa War 

* Orb of Reality 

* FE Echoes Route Headswap 


Cocky Confidence: Though Dorothea loves Bernadetta quite a lot, she is getting worried about her girlfriend's antisocial behavior. While pondering over her problem, Dorothea comes across Hilda transforming Marianne into her cock. It turns out Hilda was having the same issues with her girlfriend as Dorothea. Thus in order to help the one she loves overcome her problems, Dorothea too decides to turn Bernadetta into her cock, parading her around with an erection and masturbating in public so that little Bernadeetta gets used to all the attention.

Turning Your Life Upside Down [UDTF]: While researching some spells in the Nohrian library, Elise finds a hex that will supposedly 'turn someone's life around'. What she didn't expect was that it would be so literal when she tried it on herself! While she turns into a cock and her pussy takes over, every part of Elise is flipped, going from a sweet cheery gal to a sadistic and dominating mommy. And of course, the new Esile is more than happy to share her new self with all her Nohrian commrades~

What Goes Around Comes Around: Robin has been held captive and treated like a slave for several months. But before her mind totally breaks from the torture, the tactician is able to defeat her captures and escape back to Ylisse. Unfortunately, the many mental wounds she received during her time are not quick to heal, and soon Robin finds herself not just mindbreaking her very own allies, but enjoying it quite a lot.

Father's One and Only: Having grown too jealous and tired of all the love her father Corrin is giving her mother Charlotte, the cute little Kana hatches a diabolical plan. She casts a special hex that transforms Charlotte's head into her own, creating a brand new Kana that will share Corrin with her. Corrin is of course terrified. But not only does no one else seem to notice anything wrong, as Corrin continues to refuse, Kana transforms more and more people's heads into her own until Corrin will have no choice but give them all the love they desire.

A Monstrous Backfire: In an attempt to improve the army's combate performance, Camilla plays with a weird spell book that promises to give all the females in the army 'monstrous' strength. However, the book was being a little bit too literal, for as soon as she casts the spell she's transformed into a horny, wyvern monstergirl! Unable to control her lust, Camilla starts defiling any girl she comes across. This only makes things worse though, as her monster-fying curse is spreadable! Soon, Corrin's army is filled to the brim with big, hung, dominating monster girls and their wimpy husbands.

Intoxicating Personality: An upstanding, hard-working woman is suddenly faced with a difficult dilemma as her perverted, slob, stoner, NEET failure of a brothers asks her to crash at her house while he 'gets back to his feet'. Despite her initial complaints, her husband and children are incredibly supported, and all seems to be going well. That is, until the rest of her family start to act more and more like him until they become exactly like him. They dress like him, act like him, until they eventually start to refer to themselves as him though their bodies remain unaltered. There is nothing the married woman can do as the entirety of her family and even herself succumb to complete mental twinning.

A Goat Load of Trouble: Asriel's back home and he finds everything  feeling... wrong. Everyone is  so much more touchy with him. And the way  they look at him is making  him nervous. But it wasn't until Officer  Undine presses his face against  her thick blue cock in the middle of  the street, asking for 'the usual'  that Asriel really felt how weird  things have gotten.  Turns out that the cute little Ralsei has been  manipulating reality, spreading his LOVE across town,  and all under  Asriel's identity!

Struggling Sluts of Garreg Mach: Those Who Slither in the Dark have subverted Garreg Mach from the  shadows and has turned it into a whorehouse staffed by its former  inhabitants. The students turned cock sluts have the ability to use dark magic and shape their bodies to fit their clients' desires, but their orgasms are locked behind their clients' permision. But out of all the successful whores of Garreg Mach, the only ones who still haven't felt orgasm are Lysithea and Annette. Desperate for release, the former brains of Garreg Mach must transform their bodies in crazed ways and put on a show so that they may finally get some release from their unending edging.

The Dudebro Curse: After being kicked out of a war meeting, Elise finds an amulet that accidentally transforms her and her friend Sakura into beefy, horny, muscular dude bros with godlike powers. Using their new figures and magic, the duo decide to become the kings of Nohr and Hoshido by turningtheir brothers Xander and Ryoma into submissive sissy wives and transforming any who oppose into whatever they want.

Back to the Stepford: A cute boy goes back to the past to play a prank on his ancestor. However, when he returns to the future, every single boy is dressed as a sissy submissive stepford wife! Now the boy must return before his mind too is retroactively changed into a cute crossdressing stepford wife.

Double Sister Double Dicking: Both Hinoka and Camilla had the same ideas for Corrin's Birthday present - a night of passionate sex. Armed with a thick dragon cock and a fat pegasus cock respectively, the duo of princesses will make sure it's a white Christmas for Corrin.

Holy Nabatean Rebirth: Through the use of a magical ritual, Sothis' soul is transferred from Female Byleth to Rhea's womb, impregnating the Archbishop with Sothis herself. Rhea eagerly gives birth to her own mother, who uses her time powers to age herself back to her child-like form. And now that they're finally back together, the duo eagerly resume their incestual love relationship, utterly reveling in the fact that they are each other's mother and daughter at the same time. Lots of raw, feral sex ensues!

Losing to Big Boy Belly: Bearing a big, plump rotund belly, Siegbert comes to his father's office in order to confess the fact that he's become thoroughly pregnant with Shigure's child and can no longer fight. As a proud king, Xander should have felt outraged. However, the only thing he felt was his cock throbbing with arousal at the sight of his son's well-bred form.

DO Nut November!!!:By divine degree, No Nut November at Garreg Mach has been changed to 'No, *Nut* November!' Unfortunately some of the less observant girls haven't noticed and with November nearly over are running out of time to nut! Rhea decides to help them out with a spell to grow them big, sloppy cocks but the longer they resist the more their bodies change - those who cum quickly stay futanari, but those who fight the urge to cum become femboys, then ambushes/drag queens, before finally /d/orses for those that resist the longest!

Swapping Out Champions: [Pokemon] A fat hex maniac, tired of being a sweaty loser, manages to swap bodies with the champion Cynthia! And afterwards, she decides to turn her old body male just because- Cynthia, now stuck as a fat male hex maniac doesn't like her new downgraded life, but at least she can masturbate to seeing her old sexy body on the TV living the dream, as sad as she knows it is.

Changing Teams: Tired of being consistently bested of being Corrin's favorite sister by Camilla, Hinoka decides she'll become Corrin's strongest brother instead. After taking the genderswap potion however, Hinoka loses all of her muscles and huge-assed femboy. Not that Camilla seems to mind, for her huge cock finds the cute little femboy irresistible.

[Deltarune] The Magic of Dark World: In an attempt to show Susie the magical properties of the dark world, Ralsie temporarily transforms himself into the dragon girl's huge, throbbing fluffy cock. Of course, the only reasonable course of action after this is to lay claim to Kris' delicious ass.

[Deltarune] Do Feed the Goat: While Susie is busy talking to Noelle, Kris decides to give Ralsei some [CERTIFIED DARK WORLD CANDIES] they bought from a trustworthy salesman. Except, every time Ralsei eats one of them, his body grows fatter, softer and hornier. Just how Kris likes em~

[Deltarune] A Proper Hero: After being bullied by Susie and other darkerners, Ralsei patience has reached its limit and the goatboy transforms them all into cute, adorable goatboys like himself. Now all the Ralseis can enjoy peace, quiet and order together!

Becoming a Proper Successor: Queen Henriette has become concerned of how  her son Alfonse is going to fare as king now that his father has passed  away. So, enlisting the help of the trickster Loki, Henriette decides  to take matters into her own hands... By transforming Alfonse into a  cute femboi princess and giving herself a huge throbbing cock. If  Alfonse can't be a proper king, then he will make for the perfect queen~

Reconnecting With Family: Along with many of her friends and comrades, Kjelle has returned to the past and joined the fight against Grima. The main difference is that unlike them, she has never met and still hasn't found who her own father is. Everything changes one fateful night when Kjelle goes into the stables and finds her mother getting railed by her own horse. That is where she makes the startling realization of who her father truly is, and why she's always had a huge throbbing horse cock instead of a pussy. Enraged by the realization, she decides to punish her mother by railing the woman's cunt with her horse-dick. Perhaps she and her father had more in common than she expected...

Unexpected Blessings: The Midst of Battle - In the middle of a chaotic fight, the healers Sakura and Mist find themselves totally helpless and cornered by a group of brigands. With no one else to help them, they both wish that their big brothers could save them. That is when they're both instantly transformed. From the neck down, Sakura's body turns into that of Ryoma's while Mist's turns into Ike's, allowing the duo to effortlessly beat back the brigands. Their bodies isn't all that's changed however, and as their arousal builds the two discover what their transformation really mean.

Birthing a New You: When Loki wakes up one day, the woman finds herself with a heavily pregnant stomach and in the middle of giving birth. Though everything seems to go well at first, during the process Loki's consciousness is transported to her 'child'. Now Loki is stuck in a shortstack version of herself with a body that is visibly male AND hung. Not that the new boy seems to mind, as he's more than happy to spread this curse around by fucking all the girls he sees. 

Like Mother, Like Son: Feeling nostalgic over his childhood, Forrest kindly asks his mother if he can try her teat one more time. Though initially put off, Charlotte eventually agrees. Unfortunately for her, Forrest had placed a transfer spell on himself and steals all of her  reast mass while sucking. The troubadour's punishment comes in the form of Leo, who knows exactly what he's going to do to the busty boy...

Forbidden Love: Takumi and Corrin catch their sons in the act of making love. Though Kana and Kiragi attempt to explain themselves, their parents forbid them to remain together. Unfortunately, Kana has other plans. Using a special forbidden spell from Rhajat, Kana legitimizes his relationship with Kiragi by swapping their lives with their parents, transforming himself into the father and Kiragi into the mother while Takumi and Corrin becomes the sons. Who's love is forbidden now~?

The Key to Femininity: In his search to become more feminine, Forrest requests the help of the most feminine woman he knows: His dear aunt Camilla. The two work tirelessly on a feminizing serum, but when something goes wrong with the formula, Forrest ends up absorbing Camilla's body and merging with her mind. Now Forrest has become the most gorgeous boy in all of the land, the only reasonable thing to do would be to share it with everyone he knows.

Bitch to Dead Beat - Encore: Now that he's no longer at the top of the food chain at school, Brian must cope with being bullied for his nerdiness and being abused by an uncaring girlfriend. Luckily, he's got his brother for emotional support, and the two soon hatch a plan to share the bliss of their mistress with everyone else at school.

A Life Changing Sermon: All of the houses in Garreg Mach are congregated in  the cathedral, where Archbishop Rhea is giving a candid sermon. However, there is something strange with her preaching, for the more she talks, the more mature and masculine the girls in the cathedral become. Soon, every female fully turns into mature, busty newhalf sluts with huge cocks that think of themselves as males while every boy transforms into their cute androgynous pupils as the Officer's Academy's turns into the Sissy Whore's Academy. 

Homo-Phelia: While trying to teach Soleil a lesson by swapping their bodies with a magical stone, Ophelia is the one that learns something new. Looking at her own body, Ophelia finds she is incredibly aroused by herself. The lusty Soleil is more than happy to help Ophelia indulge in her new desires. But even this is not enough, and after absorbing the power of the magical stone, the two find themselves with the power to twin others into exact copies of horny self-obsessed Ophelias. 

Royally Screwed: When Sharena makes an innocent wish that she and her brother would be king and queen together, it is somehow magically granted. Except not in the way she expected. All of a sudden, Sharena is placed in the body of her father Gustav while Alfonse is placed in the body of his mother Henriette. before the two can even figure out what is going on, they're afflicted with an insatiable lust that forces them to have sex together and fully cement their brand new roles. 

Welcome to Garreg Mach (Sequel to Welcome to Smash): Many months after Byleth's acceptance into the Smash Brother Tournament, Edelgard returns to the Garreg mach replica stage to visit her professor, only to find her fellow classmates indulging in a crazed genital swapped orgy. It seems her professor has grown quite fond of procreation, and with his amazing sexual skills had managed to get access to a myriad of sexual organs to provide his students with. Now Edelgard must learn to master a brand new cock if she wishes to make love to her dear professor. 

Beauty is in the Eye of Camilla - Camilla Conversion Booth (Side story/Sequel to Beauty is in the Eye of Camilla): As the Camillas continue their invasion of Hoshido and Nohr, several cities currently find themselves under occupation of the powerful CAmilla armies. In these places, Camilla is worshiped as a goddess, with priests and preachers spreading the word of her will. People eagerly (and sometimes unwillingly) line up to special Camilla conversion booths where they are to be converted into more beautiful Camillas, fighting for their place in line as horny Camillas lovingly fuck around them. There is no telling how far the Camillas will go, but it is clear that they are in total control.

Nut-terfly Effect: Having defeated the dreadful dragon Grima in the present timeline, Lucina returns to her future triumphant and eager to see how wonderful it turned out. However, as she steps through the portal she quickly realizes things are not as right as they should be. It was like her world had been transformed into a sexual parody of  itself! Fake dicks and cunts adorned every corner, semi-nude people were having sex on the street, and weapons have been transformed into nothing more than glorified dildos! What's more, Lucina seems to have  grown a huge fat cock! Determined to find the source of this corruption, Lucina quickly heads to the castle, where she finds the mastermind of  it all: Aversa. Will Lucina be able to destroy this sexual witch, or will the new horny laws of the land break her?

True Strength of the Goddess: Byleth has just merged with Sothis, and  after getting over her father's death and the loss of her godly companion, the professor has been affected with a brand new problem: That of lust. Though she is able to hold her urges back for quite some  time, something awakens inside Byleth when she finds Bernadetta  masturbating in her room. In a few moments, Byleth instantly transforms into an extremely aroused, tall, muscular Amazonic goddess, who forces herself upon the unsuspecting Bernie. Not only that, but it seems her breast milk is able to spread her transformation, and Bernie quickly  becomes as muscular and aroused as her. Though neither know how long such a state will last, it seems Byleth will finally be able to sate her  titanic lust.

An Icy Deception: Eliwood has finally found the woman of his dreams and decides to marry Ninian after the war has ended. However, during their first night together, the lord suddenly finds himself in Nil's body. It seems that Ninian and Nils were in love before, and now that Nils has taken Ninan's body and Ninian has taken Eliwood's, the two can finally procreate. Though the two have decided to stay this way and adapt to their lives, they invite Eliwood into their new amorous arrangement. Will he be able to adapt too?

Pegasus Purity Moon: Derived from sacred Seiros scriptures that spoke of the necessity of chastity during the Pegasus Moon, a new trend of abstinence and purity has started to spread throughout the male population of Garreg Mach. Even the incorrigible Sylvain has decided to take up the challenge and keep it in his pants for a whole Moon. However, the scriptures were mistranslated. Thanks to the highly charged magical air of this Moon, the sexual abstinence of males has started to spread out into the monastery and begun to affect the females in perverted ways, from lustful thoughts to disgusting fetishes and even causing them to grow thick cocks! How will the monastery be able to contain this new influx of sexual arousal?

Panty Mix-Up Disaster: There's been a laundry mix-up in the Order of Heroes! A bunch of beautiful ladies have accidentally received panties that belonged to Forrest. Even worse, the panties are magically charged, and as soon as they slip the undergarments on, each one of them finds themselves transforming into horny, big titted Forrests! What is the order of Heroes going to do with a bunch of lusty, busty boys running around?

The New Head of Command: After finding a strange staff on the floor, Sakura's body transforms into that of an incredibly powerful male fighter, complete with huge muscles, a tall stature and a thick cock. High on this new strength and with a deep desire to dominate, Sakura goes around sharing her power with other princesses so they too can be reborn as utterly commanding beings.

Beating the Heat at Garreg Mach: While Professor Byleth has taken all the male students out on a field trip, the monastery's female students get together and try to survive the dreadful mountain heat. As the day grows warmer though, each one of them slowly began to masculinize until they all transform into aroused gay boys and the scene quickly degenerates into an ecstatic orgy.

Edelgard's Totally Normal Day: It is yet another average day for Edelgard, the heir to the Adrestian Empire. As the princess goes about on her regular business though, she somehow manages to swap genitals with one of her fellow classmates, taking a part of their personality and altering reality itself in the process! Now Edelgard must try to find a way to reverse her genital swappage while she deals their side effects and her own attraction towards her Professor.

Crest of the Bull: A strange new crest seems to have manifested on Edelgard's body. One which comes with the serious side effect of a huge throbbing horny cock and a serious desire to breed. The strangest part perhaps is the fact that no one thinks this is out of the ordinary for Edelgard. Both her classmates and school staff acknowledge Edelgard's lustful needs, and some of even offer her help with relief! Will the heir to the Adrestrian Crown be able to survive the school year without impregnating anyone?

Tempted by the Forbidden Fruit: Lady Titania of the Greil Mercenaries has become frustrated after her sexual advances towards Greil keep falling flat on their face, when one night she comes across a fateful encounter: one with Greil's son, Ike. In the biggest mistake she's ever made, Titania lets her lust consume her and takes Ike to bed, impregnating the boy with her fat knight cock.

Lissa's Special Concoction: Anxious to confess her love to her darling Maribelle, Lissa comes to the Dark Mage Tharja in hopes of some help. Tharja agrees to help the blonde princess by brewing a potion that will change Maribelle's preferences using Lissa's juices. However, when Lissa hands Maribelle the finished potion, the pompous troubadour unknowingly shares the drink with every single female in the army, turning them all into apologetically horny lesbian butches.

Girls will be Boys: Hilda and Sylvain start arguing about who has it better when it comes to genitals, with Hilda insisting boys have it easier while Sylvain says its better for girls. So, with a little magical help, the two decide to swap genitals for a month. What Hilda doesn't realize is that the power of male stimulation is a bit stronger than she initially thought, and the girl can't help but give in to her new urges.

Return of the 10 Elites: Those who slither in the dark have activated a special device in Garreg Mach, sending shockwaves of magic throughout the school. Now, all the students bearing a crest inherited from the 10 Elites finds themselves slowly becoming more and more like their predecessors as Byleth transforms into the King of Liberation.

Too Many Swords Fighters!: A strange powerful curse has started spreading throughout the cast of Smash. The negative energies towards Fire Emblem characters have materialized and now fighters are starting to be transformed into horny twink Marths!

Fire Emblem Whores: A Hero has been summoned to the world of Askr, except something is very wrong. Everyone is wearing extra skimpy outfits and being sexually promiscuous! Will our Hero retain their morality or will they give in to the new ways of the world?

Bernie's Big Problem: Bernadetta finds a spell that should have given her some confidence, as cocksure as her new teacher, but all it did was accidentally swap her pussy with professor Byleth's dick. Even her back-up plan to screw some dudes like in her eros only makes her even more self-conscious when they fail. Bernie's weird behavior worries Byleth, who may know a thing or two to cheer her up.

Naga's Womb: The war against Grima is raging on in Ylisse, however it looks like Chrom's army is having some difficulties succeeding. As such, the Divine Dragon Naga has decided to take matters into her own hands. She bestows transformative and magical abilities onto Tiki's womb, allowing her to unbirth her fellow soldiers and transform them into much more powerful and obedient futa manaketes. Soon, the entirety of Chrom's army is transformed to Naga's will.

Tom Nook's Transformation Package: Its the middle of an intense Smash Brothers battle, and Villager has gotten his Final Smash. He aims it towards a group of ladies on the enemy team, and calls in his buddy Tom Nook to trap them in a gorgeous house. However, that's not all Tom Nook's package includes. Feeling generous, Nook also changes the girls inside, transforming them into fat horny big balled Tanukis like him.

Farmboy Idol: After many months of tagging along with Chrom's army, Donnel is feeling down about not being able to help out with much of the battle. Despite being told "He'd grow stronger soon", he still was barely used in battles, and was no stronger than most of the team. So when he sees a shooting star one night, the farmboy wishes he could be the most admired and relied on soldier. Unfortunately, his wish was more of a curse, as he finds out that approaching other people would pseudo-copies of him, who adored him in every way. Soon, the entirety of Chrom's army has turned into horny farmboys who wish to do nothing but love Donnel.

Byleth's Weapon Collection: After hearing that a new fighter is entering the tournament, Cloud Strife is excited to challenge them. Thanks to Byleth's large array of weapons though, both new and familiar, she is able to best him in combat with ease. As a reward for her victory, Byleth forcibly takes Cloud's weapon, along with his masculinity, turning him into her personalized sissified slave. Will Cloud be able to escape this terrible role, or will he give in to the pleasures of his new body?

Elise Lust Fairy: As Elise prances around a Nohrian castle one day, she finds a tiny fairy that is very hurt. Worried about the little creature, Elise tells her she'll do anything to save the fairy's life. So with a magical poof, the two combine to form Elise the Lust Fairy! As a Lust Fairy, it is now Elise's job to make sure everyone is enjoying the bliss of sexual relief. No matter what their relationship, gender or allegiance is, Elise will make sure everyone is having sex! And she'll transform and modify the minds of anyone she needs to in order to achieve this goal~

Lilina's Swap Charm: After finding a strange little charm in a secret shop, Lilina finds that she has the power to swap any part of herself with anybody. So deciding to punish Roy for spending too much time with that Shanna girl, Lilina decides to take away Roy's dick. Unfortunately, it seems like the male member is a bit harder for Lilina to handle than she thought.

The Houses Swap: Byleth has been trying out some wonky mods in Three houses, and thus somehow all the students have swapped heads with students from other houses. (Edelgard now has Dimitri's body while Hubert has Dedeu's. Dimitri has Claude's body while Dedue has Hilda's, and Claude has Edelgarde's body while Hilda has Hubert's, etc.) How will the students get used to their new bodies?

Effie's Training Regiment: A group of women in Corrin's army are wondering why Effie is so strong, so they ask her to tell them. Effie in turn invites them to her training regiment, a routine filled with lots of musk, odors and genderbending maneuvers. These ladies are about to get fit.

That Bitch! (Male): A bitchy slut has gathered a reputation for sleeping with everyone and stealing other girls' boyfriends. Growing tired of these unbecoming actions, a witch transforms the girl into a guy, to teach her a lesson and get her to stop. What this witch doesn't know is that gender doesn't really matter, and if this bitchy slut wants to steal someone's boyfriend, she's going to do it one way or the other.

Further Lessons on the Winter Festival: (Sequel to last year's A Lesson on the Winter Festival) After Cecilia and Roy received their gift of love from Loki, they are eager to share it with everyone else at the Winter Festival Party.

Spirit of Joy: Soleil is excited for the upcoming Winter Festival, but it seems the people of Nohr and Hoshido have no such celebration. Upset by this, she pleads to the Spirit of Joy, which quickly invades her body and makes her a joy conduit. Soon, all the soldiers in Corrin's army are filled with celebratory excitement, and a lot more~

Magical Santa: The Winter Festival has arrived to the doorsteps Askr, and the Order of Heroes has decided to organize a Secret Santa event. Unfortunately, Loki has replaced all the physical gifts with magical transformations, leading to a lot of chaos for the poor group.

Santa is Cumming to Town: Its time for the Winter Festival in the land of Ylisse, and Chrom's army is excited for the celebration. However, since they came from a land of ruin, the children of the army aren't as enthused, and they don't believe in Santa! In order to fix this and return the children's Holiday spirit, Cordelia gathers the troops and does her utmost to become the best Santa. Unfortunately, while trying to help, Tharja casts an awry spell on Cordelia, filling the Pegasus Knight with a bit too much celebratory joy.

Tharja's Futapocalypse: Tharja is working on another hex to make Robin hers, when suddenly something goes terribly wrong. The concoction is infected with an unknown chemical and splashes all over Tharja, turning her into a mindless horny futa. Unable to contain these feelings, Tharja meanders out of her tent in search of girls or guys to fuck. What she doesn't realize is that this strange magic will turn other girls into mindlessly horny futas and other guys into sissified feminine slaves. Soon the entire Ylissian camp descends into pandemonium int his Futapocalypse. 

Super Girly Idol Sylvia: With so many dancers forming part of the Order of Heroes, Sylvia is tired that none of the attention is focused on her. No matter what she does, she never gets the spotlight in this new place! After she makes a wish to be the most popular dancer though, things drastically change. Now every person she meets can't help but take their eyes off her! Be it boy or girl, soon everyone that gazes upon the magnificent dancer that is Sylvia turns into a horny femboi, eager to do anything to please their queen. Not even the most dignified of other women or dancers can ignore her beauty- Sylvia becomes the top girly idol around~!

Random Relationships Awakening: Chrom is awoken by pleasurable sensations coming from under his bed covers. He thinks it's his wife at first, but when Lucina pops out from underneath the sheets he realizes things are really wrong. Soon Chrom finds out that everyone's relationships have gotten all mixed up. Lucina thinks she's his wife, Cherche thinks she's his daughter, and the only person who remembers normalcy is him. How is he going to fix this???

Power of the Fell Brand: A powerful force that neither Robin nor his wife Tharja flows dormant within Robin's blood. A power so strong, that when awakened to its full potential, can bring the end of everything around them. That is why Robin's daughters, corrupted evil draconic futas Morgan and Noire, have traveled back in time. To awaken his power and corrupt him before anyone else can stop him.

The New Archbishop: Cyril admires Archbishop Rhea more than anyone in the world. However, thanks to an unfortunate accident, he ends up swapping bodies with her! Now the two must keep up appearances and work together getting through the day while avoiding panic and finding a way back. (That is, if they even want to go back at all~)

Celica's Celica: Eager to please her master, Duma, Fallen Celica decides to take care of regular Celica the best way she knows how to: By turning Celica into her cock.

Managing S-Supports: After finding out about S Supports, the Order of Heroes' Summoner decides he wants to adjust each Heroes' relationships to an optimal level. Thus he decides to break up Hector and Lyn's S-Support and Lilina and Roy's S-Support to instead S-Support Hector with Roy and Lyn with Lilina. How will each of our heroes manage when they are paired up with different people, of the same gender no less!

Oboro's Futa Corruption - Oboro wakes up in a dark dingy Nohrian dungeon, all captured and chained up, when she is suddenly approached by a mysterious shadowy figure in a sorceress' outfit. The figure is none other than Charlotte, who has been corrupted by a mysterious force into becoming a busty sexy dickgirl in search of more girls to corrupt, and Oboro is ripe for the picking. Will the Hoshidan lancer be able to sustain her corrupting treatment, or will she become a force of corruption on her own?

Delthea x Mathilda Headswap - One day, Mathilda wakes up with her head on Delthea's body. What's more, people around her treat her like Delthea and act as if nothing's wrong! Panicked, she goes to consult with Delthea (who now has Mathilda's body and life). Turns out that Delthea is the one responsible for this, and now she plans to mess around with Mathilda until she decides to stay quiet.

Mama Cecilia - With the war over, Roy and Lilina come together in marriage to rule peacefully over Lycia. However, at the loss of her new two favorite students to adulthood, Ceiclia starts to feel a longing for them. nothing a little magic can't fix though! With a single spell, Cecilia transforms Roy and Lilina into her two little boys who can't live without their mama.

 Lilina, Wielder of the Binding Blade - After the tragic passing of Roy,  the entire army is lost and without leader. Lilina enters his room to  mourn, where she finds his Binding Blade. However, when she picks it up,  she suddenly starts turning into a male version of herself, a  replacement for the fallen lord, taking all of his previous  responsibilities, as well as his lovers. 

Elise and Niles Genital Swap - Despite being married together for many years, Elise and Niles haven't been able to conceive a child. Turns out, Niles is infertile, which puts a strain in their relationship as Elise really wants a daughter of her own. After making a thoughtless wish, Niles causes all men in the world to grow vaginas and all women to grows penises. And with this new set of equipment, he's no longer infertile. 

Order of Role Reversed Heroes - A strange curse is going around the Order of Heroes, causing all the females to grow dicks, muscle and a high sex drive. So in order to court and keep up with these women, the male heroes have started to compete each other by acting more femininely. Before long, all of the guys in the Order of Heroes are willingly surrendering themselves to the girls.

Hector Mayhem - Hector is cursed by an angry shaman for being a brute. After having sex with Lyn, he realizes that everytime he has sex with someone, that person will turn into a copy of him, except in a few aspects like hair color and name, and every time a Hector copy has sex with someone else, they too turn into Hector. And what's more, all the Hector copies really enjoy being Hector and start spreading it around like wildfire, so Hector must do something to try and stop it.

Bracelet of Lives Fates - Forrest obtains the Bracelet of Lives and ends up swapping lives with Charlotte, turning him into Xander's wife. [The way the bracelet works is that when someone sees it, they desire to wear it. Then they'll swap lives with the first person they make contact with, and the bracelet will disappear from the vicinity without a trace. Further reference: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15434760]

The Great Kingdom of Mifl: There are strange winds going through the land  of Nifl, its goddess roaring with a transformative force. All of a  sudden, every citizen of the country is turned into a busty, attractive,  aroused MILF! Even the royal family hasn't been spared from such a  fate...

Genealogy of the Futa War - Sigurd is crossing through the forests of Verdanne when he suddenly finds a beautiful woman. She is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, but she has something extra. This girl has a curse that makes everyone who contracts it a futa. Once Sigurd and his army are infected, they find themselves loving their new bodies so much they wish to spread it to all of Jugdral.

Orb of Reality - Anna orders a group of FEH heroes to go obtain the powerful orb of reality. However, they're a bit clumsy with it and accidentally drop it, causing reality to shift in strange ways every time it gets bumped.

 FE Echoes Route Headswap - Everyone in Celica's and Alm's army headswap  with each other. So Celica has her head on Alm's body and is in ram  Village while Alm has his head on Celica's body and is in the seaside  monastery. All the other characters have also headswapped, so Tobin  headswapped with Mae, Gray with Boey, Kliff with Genny, etc, etc. How  did this happen and how will our heroes get acquainted with their new  bodies. 



Order of Role Reversed Heroes sounds like a great fic.


Definitely re-requesting Do-Nut November!