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"Helloooooo Summoners! It's me, Feh, bringing you another round of news about... You know it, Faulty Orbs! It seems that for some reason these magical miscreants have been popping up more and more all over Askr, so it's important for you to know about their dangers.

In this bustling festival of love, we have two of the most famous Hero couples from the world of Jugdral, Sigurd and Deidre, and Quan and Ethlyn. They're out and about enjoying their time together in one of the local festivals, completely happy and worry free. But what's that up there...? It's a pink Faulty Orb! Oh noes!

Pink corresponds to the element of love, an important aspect for every hero to have. Love brings a Hero closer to others both friend and enemies. It can serve as fuel to steel their resolve for their mission and let them be compassionate for their enemies. But too much love and they might find themselves caring deeply for the person they didn't expect!

The moment Sigurd and Ethlyn notice something interesting in the nearby stalls, the wind seems to have blown the orb off the roof, sending it directly between Deidre and Quan! With a whimpering clink, the thing crashed down to the ground and activated. The noise notified Deidre and Quan, but it was too late. If only they knew what was coming next...

In a matter of seconds, a bright blinding light enveloped the two of them, swapping the places in which they stood. But that wasn't all it did. Their bodies were completely the same, their minds still felt normal. However, once Deidre and Quan recovered from the flash, they could tell something was wrong. Though they hadn't figured out what, they knew that things were not as they should be. 

Then suddenly Sigurd and Ethlyn came back bearing gifts for their lovers. Except, they didn't give their gifts to the right ones! Sigurd placed a blue flower on Quan's hair while Ethlyn placed a flower cap on Deidre's head. 

Deidre and Quan were completely astounded. But that's when they realized what was wrong. Quan's heart beat faster when he stared at Sigurd, while Deidre felt herself fly at the touch of Ethlyn.  What's more, Sigurd and Ethlyn acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Sigurd was kind and sweet to Quan, and Ethlyn was gentle and cheerful with Deidre.  They were now in love with the wrong people. 

With the double date over, the two couples began parting ways. Quan and Deidre wanted to try and set things back to normal, to talk to Sigurd and Ethlyn and explain the situation. But they were so overcome with feelings of love that they were unable to stop themselves. Feelings of love that kept growing stronger and stronger as time went on. Though Quan and Deidre tried to resist these strange sensations, they could not contain them. The love they felt now for their new partners was greater than anything they'd experienced before, and before long they happily gave in to their new lovers.

Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. Quan and Deidre's memories of the previous lovers faded into obscurity. They were much more happy now. And after many nights of lovemaking, their new affections bore fruit. Though normally they wouldn't be able to get pregnant from same-sex relationships, they magic of the orb made it so that Deidre and Quan could bare children. 

This came as a surprise to the two couples when they met again many months later. Quan had a large bloated belly with a little boy, while Deidre had a belly of her own with a beautiful girl. Sigurd and Ethlyn were very excited for each other, happy that their sibling would have a child and eager to be an uncle and aunt. Meanwhile, Quan and Deidre happily admired each other's pregnant stomach, both knowing their past and how they were much happier now. 

A few years later, the two married couples converged for a picnic. Ethlyn and Deidre had conceived another child, the cute little Leif who had inherited his other mother's hair color, and the pretty Julia who had grown into a fine little lady. Sigurd and Quan's son, Seliph, had also grown into a strong boy, but that wasn't enough for the two, as another baby girl was already on the way.

The two couples smiled at each other with bliss in their faces. Though only Deidre and Quan would know of the real past, they all experienced this happiness of the present, and would live on happily ever after. Hooo! I love happy endings!

So summoners! Now you know the dangers of Faulty Orbs. If you see one, don't come close to it or touch it. Unless you'd like to experience some different type of love for yourself~ That's it for today summoners, Feh out!"

Alright, finally posting after all this time. Sorry for the delay, it's been a weird couple of weeks. Plus, my computer's been freaking me up a bunch so I haven't been able to work as much as I'd like. I'm going to start working on an actual story now. Not part 2 of the Nina thing or the next Patron Poll, I'm gonna do the Twitter poll first. I'm a little bit behind, but hopefully I can start making up for lost time. As for this Faulty Orbs, I was originally intending to add an actual sex scene. But with me not having posted in so long and technical difficulties, I had to cut that out. Maybe for another time. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this, cheers! Oh also, I made an alt of the last one where all the children inherit the opposite parant's hair color, if you're interested.


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