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"Feeeeeeh! Welcome back, summoners! With a new batch of reports coming in, you know what time it is! My name is Feh, the Order of Heroes' favorite messenger owl, and today I came to talk about more Faulty orbs!

Today's orb is a glimmering shiny red. A beautiful object, were it not for the horrible things it caused. Red corresponds to the element of rage, an important aspect for every hero to have. While kindness should always be the weapon of choice for all Heroes, sometimes conflicts cannot be avoided. This is where rage comes in. By siphoning all of their inner rage, a hero can find the strength to defeat the toughest and scariest of enemies. Hoooo! Maybe I should get some of that rage, I would love to stop being cute and start being scary for once, heehee! However, too much rage, and you might begin to lose control of yourself.

Here we have the three lordly ladies of Magvel, Eirika, L'Arachel and Tana. They have been tasked with finding orbs for the summoner, though it seems they've found than they bargained for. Eirika is the first one to notice the Faulty Orb, after accidentally kicking it. Curious about this strange object, she leans down to pick it up. But it is too late, the orb suddenly activates before her fingers, causing such a large flash that it captured the nearby princesses by surprise in its blast radius.

Once the bright light had disappeared, the three were somehow... Stuck together? Both of Eirika's arms were gone, and each of her friend had one arm missing, with the place where their arms used to be now stuck to another girl's body. Though this would be the least of their concerns for now, as the limbs they did keep began to change and transform!

Tana's and L'Arachel's legs fused into large furry paws, while Eirika's legs merged into a fluffy tail. Their hips morphed into a large joined fuzzy hips, and then their bodies combined into a bulky muscular torso. As L'Arachel's and Tana's arms reformed into two more furry paws and a thick neck appeared beneath the girls' heads, the trio were human no more. Now, they were some type of... Large beastly wolf! What's more, it looked like even their female genitals were replaced in favor of two long red veiny dog dicks.

The three girls felt thoroughly uncomfortable with their new shared body. Each one of them could control every part of the wolf body, so coordination became difficult. Feeeh! I couldn't imagine sharing my body with anybody else. And not only had they been turned into a monstrous wolf beast, they were a monstrous male wolf beast. The fact that they could all feel their dual shared genitalia was quite awkward. What were they going to do now? How would they live their lives as one wolf?

However, before the three could start getting acclimated to their body, a strange red mist began to surround them. This pasty fog created a strange unshakable fuzziness in their minds. Their thoughts shifted away from their families and friends, from fighting for a better future, from being kind and helping others. Instead, they all begin thinking about the thrill of the hunt.

Their joined stomach growled, a beastly hunger filling them. They thought about how fun it was to chase helpless animals, how great it was to consume them. Suddenly protecting others didn't sound as endearing. Why would they help anyone else if they could just help themselves? Their thoughts became so uniform that the barriers of their minds began to break down, their brains joining together to form something bigger and stronger.

As the mist disappeared, the three princesses were now entirely gone. All they were now was a singular beastly wolf, who's only purpose was to hunt and consume. The three heads all worked together to accomplish this one goal. Anything else was meaningless. 

And oh my! It seems like this thirst for blood has lead them to find an enemy axe fighter. Run little fighter, run! Even though he is an enemy, facing off against such a scary uncontrollable beast doesn't sound pleasant. Let's hope he's faster than this huge monster, although not many things can outrun a starved wolf. Let's hope this wolf doesn't have an appetite for owls, hoooo!

Anyways! Now you know the dangers of Faulty Orbs. If you see one, don't touch or come close to it! Unless you'd like to experience your more animal side. That was it for today summoners, Feh out!"


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