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Welp, here it finally is... part 2 of the Farmhouse of Heroes finally done! If it wasn't plainly obvious already by the fact that it took me half a month maybe even more to write this whole thing, I kinda struggled with this one lol. As I proofread it again, I felt like I didn't do to bad. But I definitely could have done better. It's one of those things were like, I'd really like to be able to put more time into it to increase the quality buuuuut... I also just wanna be done with it and move to more fun stories lol. Especially considering I got a bunch of comms n such to take care of. It's partly the reason why I decided to have a new CYOA story for next month, even though I have a couple other parts for this story in mind. That's the thing about thinking up story ideas and leaving them in the backburner. Sometimes when you come back, the passion has already simmered out...

Anyways, onto more fun topics. I've started working on the next commission and it's going nicely so far! I feel like the good thing about doing commissions the way I do, is that I end up picking my favorite ideas and they fuel me into completing them. My goal for this month is to complete two commissions and the CYOA. The comms I have are hefty, and the CYOA will probably be big-ish as well, so it's a lofty goal. But I'm hoping I can make it come true this month for realsies!! I also have some commissions I've gotten with a friend that I'm writing some descriptions for, so that should be fun too~ They're kinda similar to the cock chart comm I posted on twitter the other day. I should probably post that here too, but in case I don't please check my Furaffinity and twitter!

But yeah, that's all I got for today! Hope y'all liked this one and cheers!


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