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The shoe might be on the other foot, now! Perhaps...




The war has already begun….mum will try to convince you it can’t be stopped…..but it can. Just can you survive the end Marble? Getting flared was one thing,,,losing it may destroy you.

Klesk Vadrigaar

Tourmalin pulling the typical "Shut the conversation down so I don't have to admit I might be in the wrong" schtick?


"That a lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies; That a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright; But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight." Lord Tennyson, Alfred as quoted by beast of the 90s X-men cartoon

Nonya Bizznu

Heheh You're kid's one step removed from omnipotent, Tourmaline, "I'm a grown up I know best" ain't gonna cut it anymore. Also, Tourmie's reaction is interesting. Her hands tense up and she's very upset, but she doesn't raise her voice. Outside of her psycho smiles, she's very subdued. I'm wondering if that's more than just her personality.


Interesting thought. I will give a little spoiler in that there is some submission signal shenanigans in the future ^__^