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It took me a second to get used to the new Open Canvas, but once I did, I realised it is sooo much easier to draw now! Thanks so much for everyone who joined in! I'll be doing another one soon ^^




Putting Clover in a sexy leotard and making her sexy was worth the pain she’ll inflict on me.

MercenaryX (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-05 00:59:06 Considering that Disney uses bluid to keep Disney plus alive I'm wondering how many souls of children they've sacrificed to it, I wish I was kidding on that last part too.
2023-12-02 22:28:32 Considering that Disney uses bluey to keep Disney plus alive I'm wondering how many souls of children they've sacrificed to it, I wish I was kidding on that last part too.

Considering that Disney uses bluey to keep Disney plus alive I'm wondering how many souls of children they've sacrificed to it, I wish I was kidding on that last part too.