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Yeah, sorry if people thought I was doing this today. I usually try to give more notice, but I might have given the impression that it was going to be this week rather than next week. Either way, I'm real sick right now so I couldn't do it today ^__^

But anyway, thank you very much to everyone who offered tributes to the Hunger Games line up. I've done a test-run and this is how it will look when we kick things off next week on Sunday. I will confirm exact time for the usual regions closer to the date.

I tried to match up participants together into districts that make sense, with the only one that doesn't being Rod Serling and Diddle. (Nobody even knows who that is XD) And I guess Natasha and Steele both being blue huskies is a pretty tenuous reason...

And I wasn't sure which Sobek was requested, so I put them both in together. In a test run, one Sobek actually killed the other, even though they were on the same team. There can be only one, I guess.

Double anyway, I thought I'd put this up just to make sure people didn't think I was streaming today, and apologies again to anyone who thought I was. I hope to see you there for the bloodbath next week!

Happy hunting! (or whatever they say, I haven't read The Hunger Games.



Omega Kthulu

Also... I'M NUMBER 1!!!! ^0^