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Tourmaline is getting paranoid :D Though she does not seem to be entirely wrong here, I highly doubt Yash simply kinda forgot what impact his attitude towards Marble may have down the line. Besides that you already implied that they're not exactly in line with each other. Yash has some yet-unkown motives in this plan and 'maline most probably too. You've done a wonderful job at making both of them really intriguing characters. Also that is a very interesting movie Yash is watching in there :D, the girls would most probably get very confused were he to pick it for a family movie night...


Thank you. ^__^ I was hoping it was coming across as a slow-burn brewing conflict between them ^^ And yeah, the movie choice says something about Yash's opinions in this whole thing ^^

Kit Foxboy

I really hope they care for Marble on some level beyond the means to an end. Yash seemed to make a real effort to instill love, comfort, and morality onto her. Tourmaline is... too cryptic for me to really parse. Even rereading this knowing what happens in the latest updates has me fascinated. Fun stuff Kitfox