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Hi, this is a message to update you on the situation as it is now. I'm currently down with a severe case of fever, not anything dangerous but it brings with it a constatn headache and the inability of me using my computer for more than a few minutes without getting nauseous.

That is why i am sorry to announce that there will be no TWTS' chapter on this montht's 15th unfortuantely. Of course the Anniversary Special will come out the 17th as promised as i already managed to get it done and only needs to be checked.

I'm really sorry for this but i will make it up to you all with the chapter on the 30th, i will try to make it longer than usual as an apology, hoping this fever leave me be soon.

Now i better get going before i start feeling bad again! Till next time! Stay healthy!



no problem man. You take a break. you get well soon. My dollars are Your ahahaha


Wish you wellness