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Based on the Top Tier's polls, there will be a 1st picture showcasing Selphie (LV22), Rinoa (LV8) and Quistis (LV25) captured by Esthar guards next month. It's ready and it's spicy.

A second picture will come out in June showing what happens to them based on the level they have. Despite going through the same process as Rinoa, Selphie and Quistis will have to entertain Esthar guards a little bit longer, given their resilience to the interrogation methods (based on their level). Rinoa will be quickly released in a heavily monster-populated area, as her level will give her no chance to resist more than a few hours.
Patrons will decide in May which monsters will they be, and what they'll do.
Maybe even a short side-thing where Quistis and Selphie also get to taste the monster area, but we'll figure that out later.

After this, it's GAME OVER.

You'll have gained some experience, but you'll also have to try again. Esthar guards are tough.



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