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This is something I've been thinking about for a while. Patreon could eventually kinda run in the issue Tumblr had, in a slightly different way. Companies like Nintendo have an easy trigger finger, so imagine a bunch of Peach and Daisy art they don't like at some point? They can crush Patreon with their little finger.

The latest poll is for about 17 people (those who pledge 10$).
It shows 3 of those who voted, voting for my own original content (the Hive) that has nothing to do with stuff like Star Wars, Naruto, etc.
3 people definitely don't represent all 90 of you, so I'm here asking that sort of question directly to all my Patrons.

What kind of content do you follow me for?

I'll have another question after I get enough answers.

I just want to see how much I can juggle what I want to do and what you guys want.



High quality tickling and bondage art, no matter the subject. Your stuff is always fantastic no matter what it's about.


You speak kindly, I wish people would share this interest! I would have a more stable audience. I like that stuff to, but there's always someone who's in for, say, just feet tickling, for instance. I recently drew Akemi, from the Hive, and she stirred up some trans fans, as she also made me lose them. All considering she's just a futa girl. The direction I go with my drawings stirs up opinions and that is something one simply cannot control, but I digress! Thanks for the reply!!


Foot fetish content, with your Hive being the highlight.

Kobe Jones

Tickling art. I do love seeing characters I know (I’d love to see Power Girl in the Caterpy scenario lol) but at the same time I totally understand your perspective. Will support whatever you do.


Your original stuff definitely is the highlight for me (although your Incredibles series has also been great)


erotic tickling and sensory overload


I'm here cause of your art work displaying tickling. Not because you use trade marked characters in some of your drawings. I keep track of your work regardless of the characters used.


Anything containing tickling but yes, I particularly like NSFW tickling

Black out

I have to agree with them. I just prefer the tickling, you do great work at it. Characters used don't generally matter, however, I did really enjoy your Incredibles comics. I will admit I enjoy a decent tickling comic over just a plain picture. A short but alluring story is always fun. But this is all just my personal opinion, your work is great reguardless.


Tickling. Always thought your tickling images were very vivid and thought out. You do facial reactions well too. The NSFW is cool too. Icing on the cake to me.


I totally get you, I can't imagine anyone liking a stand alone picture of someone spread eagle, over a story of someone ending up spread eagle. It's just more complex to craft, it takes composition, storyboarding, scriptwriting, and a bunch of other things involving continuity that one just doesn't give a crap about in a one off, unless it's part of a bigger scheme. Thanks for the kind words :)


Guyys I fucking love you! I was not expecting so much love, or comments, at all :) have a good one bois.


I just really like your art style. Personally, I love seeing iconic characters, such as Elastigirl or Kim Possible, in compromising tickle positions. That being said, if doing copyrighted characters makes you nervous, I wouldn't mind seeing more original content. The only reason I'm actually paying you money is because I truly enjoy your art, and I feel that it's good enough to pay you to keep making it, original or not.


Not so much the charactersor the tickling, but the restraints and poses you portray. Particularly the box traps, I quite liked those.