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Glenn reveals they know more than they were letting on, but what is a treat on Halloween without a trick preceding it...



Kaffeyette Lektor

No character for Jack to play in this scenario (yet)? I know the 'how' and 'why' are going to come at the end (I hope), but a few, subtle 'Red Herrings' and 'Chekov's Guns' wouldn't go astray here, for those of us with overactive imaginations to go off on tangents with. So, the other guys are actually in on this to some extent and it's essentially all for Jack's benefit? Their transformations are not permanent (?), so the funeral motif was just for show? Their male selves are not dead and gone? Just rhetorical questions. I know you're not going to respond (except when you do). This is another level of story-writing. I like it and I hope you feel like continuing in this vein.


So - constructive criticism here - I'm pretty used to the new style of captions. No issue there. But the repeated lines over multiple pages... for some reason, that's distracting me. Not sure why - it might just be me. Other than that, though - loving everything so far. The story and art are on point, as usual. Although I'll confess a little sadness that in this episode Jack doesn't change into a woman... but we'll see what's to come :-) Looking forward to more...