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A late revelation sends Kara over the edge, causing her to lash out in the sexiest way imaginable...



Skippy Hugo

Absolute power corrupts absolutely


Well, that escalated quickly.


I do love a bit of pure (and maybe justified) evil.

Kaffeyette Lektor

1. The comet is back, but for how long? I'm guessing not a week. 2. If Terry is now Kara, will he get Kara's powers? Although, if 'they' are now Terry's ideal version of Kara, I don't think he would have wanted her to have such powers. 3. "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned." Kara seems perfectly logical and reasonable to me. These guys are both deplorable. This punishment seems absolutely poignant. I'd love to be able to do this to a lot of guys I know. 4. One possible origin of 'Kára' in old Norse, is 'the wild and stormy one', which seems quite apt for this fiery redhead. I like it, but I've dated (and sort of still am) fiery redheads before. 5. Sophie is gorgeous, especially her face on page 44.

Alison St John

I feel Kara has lost herself in her own rage filled revenge, I wonder if somehow once this week of living as each other is over she loses her powers altogether, as in they are stuck in each others bodies, although in a much more extreme version of themselves, these are not good people and are deserving of one another, somehow they lost their moral compass some time ago, can't wait to see how you conclude this story Tyler 😘

Xion Zeros

I have to agree with the previous comments that power completely corrupted Kara here but those guys deserve what they have coming to them. I just fear that Kara made a costly mistake by making Terry into herself and she'll end up losing the powers in the process. In either case, top notch work as usual Trinity. Those "deranged" expressions from Kara are downright terrifying throughout this and captures her raw emotions perfectly.

Bob Fink

Kara really has gone off the rails here, her new found power has gone to her head.


Truly my favourite thing you have created. And I have been following you since Trinity Grove days. Absolutely incredible, worth every penny


There's no moral compass at all anymore, and I hope you like how things wrap up next week :)