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Penny helps Ray and Heath get a better (and sexier) outlook on the world...




Ok, Penny's boobies have powers beyond mind control :D page 28: ...is spoken by Penny, not by Ray?

Kaffeyette Lektor

Well spotted - the speech bubble, not the boobs. They were kinda obvious, and not totally unexpected

Kaffeyette Lektor

There seems to be a recurring theme here in Hanover. Hey, I work for the public service. I could use a little makeover. (And this is 2/4, not 1/4)

Bob Fink

He really is dummer than a bag of hammers, but at least he/she looks hot now!

Kaffeyette Lektor

Cool, I'll expect a visit from Penny. I'm willing to try robbing a bank if necessary - totally worth it - but my PhD was in molecular biology, not chemical engineering.