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Drake gets the opportunity to live out a fantasy with Molly in a way he never imagined...




I think molly knows more about the PPP pills than she is letting on right now, i think things are about to get interesting

Star Journeyfriend

Molly is playing a very interesting game 🧐


Not the turn I was expecting... but I like it :-D

Bob Fink

I'm with Leigh and think Molly has ulterior motives.


I get the distinct impression that Molly knows exactly what's going on, and is playing the other two.


Trinity love the twist that it’s obvious , the pills have mentally changed drake to female behavior and now as I thought Molly is a surprised experimentation gal but what is interesting is we still see Leigh as a total heterosexual at heart that still wants Drake..of course…this is before the female orgy or threesome supposedly might take place ..so I kind of feel sorry for Leigh 😉 Also is Molly Leigh’s twin or younger sister..because she looks younger


Leigh is Molly's little sister, and she only looks older because of the pills :)