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Darci helps Kelsey plan for the immediate future, and Kelsey has specific thoughts on that...




I love this story 😁. Great work! Thanks

Faye Fatale

That was awesome! What a great way to introduce and showcase the reformed Darci. I always love-hated her in the Powers series, but in this I just plain love her.

Bob Fink

Great story, but I'm not sure the town is ready for the likes of both Darci and the new Kelsey.


So happy to hear that, and I'll let you in on a little secret (I may have already told): Darci wasn't meant to be in the comic until two weeks before her reveal. Was a much more straightforward comic that felt like it needed to be spiced up, and I think Darci brought the heat :D

Faye Fatale

Placing Darci in, even if it wasn't the original plan, was definitely the right choice.


Perfect ending for a perfect story :) Thanks once again for this magnificent work!


What are the chances we get an epilogue showing the scenario Kelsey just described??


I'm totally open to making a series like that, but it's not TG. It would be a woman doing all those things, so I'm unsure if it would work here.


Trinity is the full pdf going to be in the Patreon or on tgcomics.com


You can always find the full PDFs before it's available on TG Comics here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/calendar-library-32768536


Understood. Guess I’m just selfishly wanting to see more of Kelsey. She’s probably one of my favorite models you’ve done.


Sorry Trinity, I lost it and couldn't get it back. Psychology was never my strong point. The comic went from confusing to WTH! I gave it up as a lost cause. I even Googled immersion therapy and got several variations on just the one term. Anyway I gave it the college try.